pauVI ]
pourree ||
PPw iPrq iPrq qU AwieAw ]
fafaa firath firath thoo aaeiaa ||
FAFFA: After wandering and wandering for so long, you have come;
dRülB dyh kiljug mih pwieAw ]
aucwrx dRülB: AONkV rwrw nUµ lw ky
dhraalabh dhaeh kalijug mehi paaeiaa ||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, you have obtained this human body, so very difficult to obtain.
iPir ieAw Aausru crY n hwQw ]
aucwrx crY: 'r' Bwrw krky
fir eiaa aousar charai n haathhaa ||
This opportunity shall not come into your hands again.
nwmu jphu qau ktIAih Pwsw ]
naam japahu tho katteeahi faasaa ||
So chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and the noose of Death shall be cut away.
iPir iPir Awvn jwnu n hoeI ]
fir fir aavan jaan n hoee ||
You shall not have to come and go in reincarnation over and over again,
eykih eyk jphu jpu soeI ]
eaekehi eaek japahu jap soee ||
If you chant and meditate on the One and Only Lord.
krhu ikRpw pRB krnYhwry ]
karahu kirapaa prabh karanaihaarae ||
Shower Your Mercy, O God, Creator Lord,
myil lyhu nwnk bycwry ]38]
mael laehu naanak baechaarae ||38||
And unite poor Nanak with Yourself. ||38||