SGGSAng 1381Salok Shaikh Farid JiSalok Seikh Farid Ke5 linesSheikh Farid Ji

PrIdw mnu mYdwnu kir toey itby lwih ]

fareedhaa man maidhaan kar ttoeae ttibae laahi ||

Fareed, flatten out your mind; smooth out the hills and valleys.

AgY mUil n AwvsI dojk sMdI Bwih ]74]

agai mool n aavasee dhojak sandhee bhaahi ||74||

Hereafter, the fires of hell shall not even approach you. ||74||

mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pMjvw

mehalaa 5 ||

Fifth Mehl:

PrIdw Kwlku Klk mih Klk vsY rb mwih ]

fareedhaa khaalak khalak mehi khalak vasai rab maahi ||

Fareed, the Creator is in the Creation, and the Creation abides in God.

mMdw iksno AwKIAY jW iqsu ibnu koeI nwih ]75]

mandhaa kis no aakheeai jaan this bin koee naahi ||75||

Whom can we call bad? There is none without Him. ||75||