jl mih mIn mwieAw ky byDy ]
jal mehi meen maaeiaa kae baedhhae ||
The fish in the water is attached to Maya.
dIpk pqµg mwieAw ky Cydy ]
dheepak pathang maaeiaa kae shhaedhae ||
The moth fluttering around the lamp is pierced through by Maya.
kwm mwieAw kuMcr kau ibAwpY ]
kaam maaeiaa kunchar ko biaapai ||
The sexual desire of Maya afflicts the elephant.
BuieAMgm iBRMg mwieAw mih Kwpy ]1]
aucwrx Buie-Amgm
bhueiangam bhring maaeiaa mehi khaapae ||1||
The snakes and bumble bees are destroyed through Maya. ||1||
mwieAw AYsI mohnI BweI ]
maaeiaa aisee mohanee bhaaee ||
Such are the enticements of Maya, O Siblings of Destiny.
jyqy jIA qyqy fhkweI ]1] rhwau ]
jaethae jeea thaethae ddehakaaee ||1|| rehaao ||
As many living beings are there are, have been deceived. ||1||Pause||
pMKI imRg mwieAw mih rwqy ]
aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo
pankhee mrig maaeiaa mehi raathae ||
The birds and the deer are imbued with Maya.
swkr mwKI AiDk sµqwpy ]
aucwrx swkr: Bwrw krky bolo
saakar maakhee adhhik santhaapae ||
Sugar is a deadly trap for the flies.
qury aust mwieAw mih Bylw ]
thurae ousatt maaeiaa mehi bhaelaa ||
Horses and camels are absorbed in Maya.
isD caurwsIh mwieAw mih Kylw ]2]
aucwrx is`D
sidhh chouraaseeh maaeiaa mehi khaelaa ||2||
The eighty-four Siddhas, the beings of miraculous spiritual powers, play in Maya. ||2||
iCA jqI mwieAw ky bMdw ]
aucwrx jqI: polw bolo
shhia jathee maaeiaa kae bandhaa ||
The six celibates are slaves of Maya.
nvY nwQ sUrj Aru cµdw ]
navai naathh sooraj ar chandhaa ||
So are the nine masters of Yoga, and the sun and the moon.
qpy rKIsr mwieAw mih sUqw ]
aucwrx qpy: polw bolo
thapae rakheesar maaeiaa mehi soothaa ||
The austere disciplinarians and the Rishis are asleep in Maya.
mwieAw mih kwlu Aru pMc dUqw ]3]
maaeiaa mehi kaal ar panch dhoothaa ||3||
Death and the five demons are in Maya. ||3||
suAwn isAwl mwieAw mih rwqw ]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
suaan siaal maaeiaa mehi raathaa ||
Dogs and jackals are imbued with Maya.
bMqr cIqy Aru isMGwqw ]
banthar cheethae ar singhaathaa ||
Monkeys, leopards and lions,
mWjwr gwfr Aru lUbrw ]
maanjaar gaaddar ar loobaraa ||
Cats, sheep, foxes,
ibrK mUl mwieAw mih prw ]4]
birakh mool maaeiaa mehi paraa ||4||
Trees and roots are planted in Maya. ||4||
mwieAw AMqir BIny dyv ]
maaeiaa anthar bheenae dhaev ||
Even the gods are drenched with Maya,
swgr ieMdRw Aru Drqyv ]
aucwrx Dr-qyv
saagar eindhraa ar dhharathaev ||
As are the oceans, the sky and the earth.
kih kbIr ijsu audru iqsu mwieAw ]
kehi kabeer jis oudhar this maaeiaa ||
Says Kabeer, whoever has a belly to fill, is under the spell of Maya.
qb CUty jb swDU pwieAw ]5]5]13]
thab shhoottae jab saadhhoo paaeiaa ||5||5||13||
The mortal is emancipated only when he meets the Holy Saint. ||5||5||13||