Bhai Gurdas JiAng 580Bhai Gurdas Ji's Kabit SwaiyeKabit Savaiye4 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

jYsy iql pIV qyl kwFIAq kstu kY qW qy hoie dIpk jrwey auijXwro jI ]

jaisay til peerh tayl kaaddheeat kasatu kai , taan tay hoi deepak jaraaay ujiyaaro jee |

Just as oil is extracted with much effort and when that oil is put in a lamp and lit, spreads light.

jYsy rom rom kir kwtIAY Ajw ko qn qW kI qwq bwjY rwg rwgnI so ipAwro jI ]

jaisay rom rom kari kaateeai ajaa ko tana , taan kee taat baajai raag raaganee so piaaro jee |

Just as a goat's meat is cut into pieces while the strings made of its intestines are used in musical instruments that produce melodies in various Ragas.

jYsy qau autwie drpn kIjY lost syqI qW qy kr gih muK dyKq sMswro jI ]

jaisay tau outaai darapan keejai losat saytee , taan tay kar gahi moukh daykhat sansaaro jee |

Just as a lump of special sand is melted and turned into glass and the whole world holds it in hand to see their face.

qYsy dUK BUK suD swDnw kY swD Bey qw hI qy jgq ko krq insqwro jI ]580]

taisay dookh bhookh sudh saadhanaa kai saadh bhaay , taa hee tay jagat ko karat nisataaro jee |580|

Similarly, one living through all sufferings and tribulations obtains Naam from the True Guru and practices it to discipline one's mind; and with success in penance becomes a person of high virtues. He attaches the worldly people with the True Guru.