SGGSAng 856Raag BilavalKabir Jio Ki7 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

iblwvlu ]

bilaaval ||


koaU hir smwin nhI rwjw ]

kooo har samaan nehee raajaa ||

There is no king equal to the Lord.

ey BUpiq sB idvs cwir ky JUTy krq idvwjw ]1] rhwau ]

eae bhoopath sabh dhivas chaar kae jhoothae karath dhivaajaa ||1|| rehaao ||

All these lords of the world last for only a few days, putting on their false displays. ||1||Pause||

qyro jnu hoie soie kq folY qIin Bvn pr Cwjw ]

thaero jan hoe soe kath ddolai theen bhavan par shhaajaa ||

How can Your humble servant waver? You spread Your shadow over the three worlds.

hwQu pswir skY ko jn kau boil skY n AMdwjw ]1]

haathh pasaar sakai ko jan ko bol sakai n andhaajaa ||1||

Who can raise his hand against Your humble servant? No one can describe the Lord's expanse. ||1||

cyiq Acyq mUV mn myry bwjy Anhd bwjw ]

chaeth achaeth moorr man maerae baajae anehadh baajaa ||

Remember Him, O my thoughtless and foolish mind, and the unstruck melody of the sound current will resonate and resound.

kih kbIr sMsw BRmu cUko DR¨ pRihlwd invwjw ]2]5]

aucwrx DR¨: dulYNkVy 'r' nUµ lw ky

kehi kabeer sansaa bhram chooko dhhroo prehilaadh nivaajaa ||2||5||

Says Kabeer, my skepticism and doubt have been dispelled; the Lord has exalted me, as He did Dhroo and Prahlaad. ||2||5||