pauVI ]
pourree ||
mmw jwhU mrmu pCwnw ]
mamaa jaahoo maram pashhaanaa ||
MAMMA: Those who understand God's mystery
Bytq swDsµg pqIAwnw ]
bhaettath saadhhasang patheeaanaa ||
Are satisfied joining the Saadh Sangat the Company of the Holy.
duK suK auAw kY smq bIcwrw ]
aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw); smq: polw bolo (ASuD: sm`q)
dhukh sukh ouaa kai samath beechaaraa ||
They look upon pleasure and pain as the same.
nrk surg rhq Aauqwrw ]
narak surag rehath aouthaaraa ||
They are exempt from incarnation into heaven or hell.
qwhU sMg qwhU inrlypw ]
thaahoo sang thaahoo niralaepaa ||
They live in the world, and yet they are detached from it.
pUrn Gt Gt purK ibsyKw ]
pooran ghatt ghatt purakh bisaekhaa ||
The Sublime Lord, the Primal Being, is totally pervading each and every heart.
auAw rs mih auAwhU suKu pwieAw ]
aucwrx auAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: aUAw, EAw)
ouaa ras mehi ouaahoo sukh paaeiaa ||
In His Love, they find peace.
nwnk ilpq nhI iqh mwieAw ]42]
naanak lipath nehee thih maaeiaa ||42||
O Nanak, Maya does not cling to them at all. ||42||