SGGSAng 1237Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


Awpy Awip inrµjnw ijin Awpu aupwieAw ]

aapae aap niranjanaa jin aap oupaaeiaa ||

The Immaculate Lord Himself, by Himself, created Himself.

Awpy Kylu rcwieEnu sBu jgqu sbwieAw ]

aapae khael rachaaeioun sabh jagath sabaaeiaa ||

He Himself created the whole drama of all the world's play.

qRY gux Awip isrijAnu mwieAw mohu vDwieAw ]

thrai gun aap sirajian maaeiaa mohu vadhhaaeiaa ||

He Himself formed the three gunas, the three qualities; He increased the attachment to Maya.

gurprswdI aubry ijn Bwxw BwieAw ]

gur parasaadhee oubarae jin bhaanaa bhaaeiaa ||

By Guru's Grace, they are saved - those who love the Will of God.

nwnk scu vrqdw sB sic smwieAw ]1]

naanak sach varathadhaa sabh sach samaaeiaa ||1||

O Nanak, the True Lord is pervading everywhere; all are contained within the True Lord. ||1||