SGGSAng 406Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

Agm Agocru drsu qyrw so pwey ijsu msqik Bwgu ]

agam agochar dharas thaeraa so paaeae jis masathak bhaag ||

The Blessed Vision of Your Darshan is unapproachable and incomprehensible; he alone obtains it, who has such good destiny recorded upon his forehead.

Awip ikRpwil ikRpw pRiB DwrI siqguir bKisAw hir nwmu ]1]

aap kirapaal kirapaa prabh dhhaaree sathigur bakhasiaa har naam ||1||

The Merciful Lord God has bestowed His Mercy, and the True Guru has granted the Lord's Name. ||1||

kiljugu auDwirAw gurdyv ]

kalijug oudhhaariaa guradhaev ||

The Divine Guru is the Saving Grace in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga.

ml mUq mUV ij muGd hoqy siB lgy qyrI syv ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx muGd: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj

mal mooth moorr j mughadh hothae sabh lagae thaeree saev ||1|| rehaao ||

Even those fools and idiots, stained with feces and urine, have all taken to Your service. ||1||Pause||

qU Awip krqw sB isRsit Drqw sB mih rihAw smwie ]

thoo aap karathaa sabh srisatt dhharathaa sabh mehi rehiaa samaae ||

You Yourself are the Creator, who established the entire world. You are contained in all.

Drmrwjw ibsmwdu hoAw sB peI pYrI Awie ]2]

dhharam raajaa bisamaadh hoaa sabh pee pairee aae ||2||

The Righteous Judge of Dharma is wonder-struck, at the sight of everyone falling at the Lord's Feet. ||2||

sqjugu qRyqw duAwpru BxIAY kiljugu aUqmo jugw mwih ]

aucwrx du-Awpru

sathajug thraethaa dhuaapar bhaneeai kalijug oothamo jugaa maahi ||

The Golden Age of Sat Yuga, the Silver Age of Trayta Yuga, and the Brass Age of Dwaapar Yuga are good; but the best is the Dark Age, the Iron Age, of Kali Yuga.

Aih kru kry su Aih kru pwey koeI n pkVIAY iksY Qwie ]3]

ahi kar karae s ahi kar paaeae koee n pakarreeai kisai thhaae ||3||

As we act, so are the rewards we receive; no one can take the place of another. ||3||

hir jIau soeI krih ij Bgq qyry jwcih eyhu qyrw ibrdu ]

har jeeo soee karehi j bhagath thaerae jaachehi eaehu thaeraa biradh ||

O Dear Lord, whatever Your devotees ask for, You do. This is Your Way, Your very nature.

kr joiV nwnk dwnu mwgY ApixAw sMqw dyih hir drsu ]4]5]140]

aucwrx Ap-ixAw

kar jorr naanak dhaan maagai apaniaa santhaa dhaehi har dharas ||4||5||140||

With my palms pressed together, O Nanak, I beg for this gift; Lord, please bless Your Saints with Your Vision. ||4||5||140||