SGGSAng 1400Bhattaa De SwaiyeSwaiye Mahalley Chauthey Ke6 linesBhatt Nalh Ji

Jolnw ]

jholanaa ||


gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu pRwnIAhu ]

guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap praaneeahu ||

Chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O mortal beings.

sbdu hir hir jpY nwmu nviniD ApY rsin Aihinis rsY siq kir jwnIAhu ]

aucwrx nv-in`iD; ApY: polw bolo (ASuD: A-pY)

sabadh har har japai naam nav nidhh apai rasan ahinis rasai sath kar jaaneeahu ||

Chant the Shabad, the Word of the Lord, Har, Har; the Naam, the Name of the Lord, brings the nine treasures. With your tongue, taste it, day and night, and know it as true.

Puin pRym rMg pweIAY gurmuKih iDAweIAY AMn mwrg qjhu Bjhu hir g´wnIAhu ]

aucwrx Bjhu: polw bolo; g´wnIAhu: igAwnIAhu

fun praem rang paaeeai guramukhehi dhhiaaeeai ann maarag thajahu bhajahu har gyaaneeahu ||

Then, you shall obtain His Love and Affection; become Gurmukh, and meditate on Him. Give up all other ways; vibrate and meditate on Him, O spiritual people.

bcn gur irid Drhu pMc BU bis krhu jnmu kul auDrhu dÍwir hir mwnIAhu ]

aucwrx dÍwir: duAwir bolo

bachan gur ridh dhharahu panch bhoo bas karahu janam kul oudhharahu dhvaar har maaneeahu ||

Enshrine the Word of the Guru's Teachings within your heart, and overpower the five passions. Your life, and your generations, shall be saved, and you shall be honored at the Lord's Door.

jau q sB suK ieq auq qum bMCvhu gurU guru gurU guru gurU jpu pRwnIAhu ]1]13]

aucwrx bµC-vhu

jo th sabh sukh eith outh thum banshhavahu guroo gur guroo gur guroo jap praaneeahu ||1||13||

If you desire all the peace and comforts of this world and the next, then chant Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, Guru, O mortal beings. ||1||13||