SGGSAng 625Raag SorathMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

soriT mÚ 5 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw

sorath ma 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

guru pUrw nmskwry ]

gur pooraa namasakaarae ||

I bow in reverence to the Perfect Guru.

pRiB sBy kwj svwry ]

aucwrx s`By

prabh sabhae kaaj savaarae ||

God has resolved all my affairs.

hir ApxI ikrpw DwrI ]

har apanee kirapaa dhhaaree ||

The Lord has showered me with His Mercy.

pRB pUrn pYj svwrI ]1]

prabh pooran paij savaaree ||1||

God has perfectly preserved my honor. ||1||

Apny dws ko BieE shweI ]

apanae dhaas ko bhaeiou sehaaee ||

He has become the help and support of His slave.

sgl mnorQ kIny krqY aUxI bwq n kweI ] rhwau ]

sagal manorathh keenae karathai oonee baath n kaaee || rehaao ||

The Creator has achieved all my goals, and now, nothing is lacking. ||Pause||

krqY puriK qwlu idvwieAw ]

karathai purakh thaal dhivaaeiaa ||

The Creator Lord has caused the pool of nectar to be constructed.

ipCY lig clI mwieAw ]

aucwrx c`lI

pishhai lag chalee maaeiaa ||

The wealth of Maya follows in my footsteps,

qoit n kqhU AwvY ]

thott n kathehoo aavai ||

And now, nothing is lacking at all.

myry pUry sqgur BwvY ]2]

maerae poorae sathagur bhaavai ||2||

This is pleasing to my Perfect True Guru. ||2||

ismir ismir dieAwlw ]

simar simar dhaeiaalaa ||

Remembering, remembering the Merciful Lord in meditation,

siB jIA Bey ikrpwlw ]

sabh jeea bheae kirapaalaa ||

All beings have become kind and compassionate to me.

jY jY kwru gusweI ]

jai jai kaar gusaaee ||

Hail! Hail to the Lord of the world,

ijin pUrI bxq bxweI ]3]

jin pooree banath banaaee ||3||

Who created the perfect creation. ||3||

qU Bwro suAwmI morw ]

thoo bhaaro suaamee moraa ||

You are my Great Lord and Master.

iehu puMnu pdwrQu qyrw ]

eihu punn padhaarathh thaeraa ||

These blessings and wealth are Yours.

jn nwnk eyku iDAwieAw ]

jan naanak eaek dhhiaaeiaa ||

Servant Nanak has meditated on the One Lord;

srb Plw puMnu pwieAw ]4]14]64]

sarab falaa punn paaeiaa ||4||14||64||

He has obtained the fruitful rewards for all good deeds. ||4||14||64||