goNf ]
gonadd ||
nwd BRmy jYsy imrgwey ]
naadh bhramae jaisae miragaaeae ||
The deer is lured by the sound of the hunter's bell;
pRwn qjy vw ko iDAwnu n jwey ]1]
aucwrx vw ko: v`Krw krky
praan thajae vaa ko dhhiaan n jaaeae ||1||
It loses its life, but it cannot stop thinking about it. ||1||
AYsy rwmw AYsy hyrau ]
aisae raamaa aisae haero ||
In the same way, I look upon my Lord.
rwmu Coif icqu Anq n Pyrau ]1] rhwau ]
raam shhodd chith anath n faero ||1|| rehaao ||
I will not abandon my Lord, and turn my thoughts to another. ||1||Pause||
ijau mInw hyrY psUAwrw ]
jio meenaa haerai pasooaaraa ||
As the fisherman looks upon the fish,
sonw gFqy ihrY sunwrw ]2]
aucwrx gFqy: 'F' ksky bolo
sonaa gadtathae hirai sunaaraa ||2||
And the goldsmith looks upon the gold he fashions;||2||
ijau ibKeI hyrY pr nwrI ]
jio bikhee haerai par naaree ||
As the man driven by sex looks upon another man's wife,
kaufw fwrq ihrY juAwrI ]3]
kouddaa ddaarath hirai juaaree ||3||
And the gambler looks upon the throwing of the dice -||3||
jh jh dyKau qh qh rwmw ]
jeh jeh dhaekho theh theh raamaa ||
In the same way, wherever Naam Dayv looks, he sees the Lord.
hir ky crn inq iDAwvY nwmw ]4]2]
har kae charan nith dhhiaavai naamaa ||4||2||
Naam Dayv meditates continuously on the Feet of the Lord. ||4||2||