SGGSAng 1248Raag SarangSarang Ki Vaar Mahalla 46 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


lyKw pVIAY hir nwmu iPir lyKu n hoeI ]

laekhaa parreeai har naam fir laekh n hoee ||

Read the account of the Name of the Lord, and you shall never again be called to account.

puiC n skY koie hir dir sd FoeI ]

pushh n sakai koe har dhar sadh dtoee ||

No one will question you, and you will always be safe in the Court of the Lord.

jmkwlu imlY dy Byt syvku inq hoeI ]

jamakaal milai dhae bhaett saevak nith hoee ||

The Messenger of Death will meet you, and be your constant servant.

pUry gur qy mhlu pwieAw piq prgtu loeI ]

poorae gur thae mehal paaeiaa path paragatt loee ||

Through the Perfect Guru, you shall find the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. You shall be famous throughout the world.

nwnk Anhd DunI dir vjdy imilAw hir soeI ]28]

aucwrx v`jdy

naanak anehadh dhhunee dhar vajadhae miliaa har soee ||28||

O Nanak, the unstruck celestial melody vibrates at your door; come and merge with the Lord. ||28||