SGGSAng 1089Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 36 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


jo jn lUJih mnY isau sy sUry prDwnw ]

jo jan loojhehi manai sio sae soorae paradhhaanaa ||

Those humble beings who struggle with their minds are brave and distinguished heroes.

hir syqI sdw imil rhy ijnI Awpu pCwnw ]

har saethee sadhaa mil rehae jinee aap pashhaanaa ||

Those who realize their own selves, remain forever united with the Lord.

igAwnIAw kw iehu mhqu hY mn mwih smwnw ]

aucwrx mh`qu

giaaneeaa kaa eihu mehath hai man maahi samaanaa ||

This is the glory of the spiritual teachers, that they remain absorbed in their mind.

hir jIau kw mhlu pwieAw scu lwie iDAwnw ]

har jeeo kaa mehal paaeiaa sach laae dhhiaanaa ||

They attain the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, and focus their meditation on the True Lord.

ijn gurprswdI mnu jIiqAw jgu iqnih ijqwnw ]8]

aucwrx ij`qwnw

jin gur parasaadhee man jeethiaa jag thinehi jithaanaa ||8||

Those who conquer their own minds, by Guru's Grace, conquer the world. ||8||