bsµqu ihMfol mhlw 3 Gru 2
aucwrx bsµqu ihMfol mh`lw qIjw Gru dUjw
basanth hinddol mehalaa 3 ghar 2
Basant Hindol, Third Mehl, Second House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
gur kI bwxI ivthu vwirAw BweI gur sbd ivthu bil jweI ]
gur kee baanee vittahu vaariaa bhaaee gur sabadh vittahu bal jaaee ||
I am a sacrifice to the Word of the Guru's Bani, O Siblings of Destiny. I am devoted and dedicated to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
guru swlwhI sd Apxw BweI gur crxI icqu lweI ]1]
gur saalaahee sadh apanaa bhaaee gur charanee chith laaee ||1||
I praise my Guru forever, O Siblings of Destiny. I focus my consciousness on the Guru's Feet. ||1||
myry mn rwm nwim icqu lwie ]
maerae man raam naam chith laae ||
O my mind,focus your consciousness on the Lord's Name.
mnu qnu qyrw hirAw hovY ieku hir nwmw Plu pwie ]1] rhwau ]
man than thaeraa hariaa hovai eik har naamaa fal paae ||1|| rehaao ||
Your mind and body shall blossom forth in lush greenery, and you shall obtain the fruit of the Name of the One Lord. ||1||Pause||
guir rwKy sy aubry BweI hir rsu AMimRqu pIAwie ]
gur raakhae sae oubarae bhaaee har ras anmrith peeaae ||
Those who are protected by the Guru are saved, O Siblings of Destiny. They drink in the Ambrosial Nectar of the Lord's sublime essence.
ivchu haumY duKu auiT gieAw BweI suKu vuTw min Awie ]2]
vichahu houmai dhukh outh gaeiaa bhaaee sukh vuthaa man aae ||2||
The pain of egotism within is eradicated and banished, O Siblings of Destiny, and peace comes to dwell in their minds. ||2||
Duir Awpy ijn@w no bKisEnu BweI sbdy lieAnu imlwie ]
dhhur aapae jinhaa no bakhasioun bhaaee sabadhae laeian milaae ||
Those whom the Primal Lord Himself forgives, O Siblings of Destiny, are united with the Word of the Shabad.
DUiV iqn@w kI AGulIAY BweI sqsµgiq myil imlwie ]3]
aucwrx A-GulIAY: 'G' dI ApnI Avwj
dhhoorr thinhaa kee aghuleeai bhaaee sathasangath mael milaae ||3||
The dust of their feet brings emancipation; in the company of Sadh Sangat, the True Congregation, we are united with the Lord. ||3||
Awip krwey kry Awip BweI ijin hirAw kIAw sBu koie ]
aap karaaeae karae aap bhaaee jin hariaa keeaa sabh koe ||
He Himself does, and causes all to be done, O Siblings of Destiny; He makes everything blossom forth in green abundance.
nwnk min qin suKu sd vsY BweI sbid imlwvw hoie ]4]1]18]12]18]30]
naanak man than sukh sadh vasai bhaaee sabadh milaavaa hoe ||4||1||18||12||18||30||
O Nanak, peace fills their minds and bodies forever, O Siblings of Destiny; they are united with the Shabad. ||4||1||18||12||18||30||