iblwvlu ]
bilaaval ||
ijh kul swDu bYsnO hoie ]
jih kul saadhh baisana hoe ||
That family, into which a holy person is born,
brn Abrn rMku nhI eIsuru ibml bwsu jwnIAY jig soie ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx A-brn; ibml: polw bolo (ASuD: ibm`l)
baran abaran rank nehee eesur bimal baas jaaneeai jag soe ||1|| rehaao ||
Whether of high or low social class, whether rich or poor, shall have its pure fragrance spread all over the world. ||1||Pause||
bRhmn bYs sUd Aru K´qRI fom cMfwr mlyC mn soie ]
aucwrx bRhmn: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; K´qRI: iKA`qRI bolo
brehaman bais soodh ar khyathree ddom chanddaar malaeshh man soe ||
Whether he is a Brahmin, a Vaishya, a Soodra, or a Kh'shaatriya; whether he is a poet, an outcaste, or a filthy-minded person,
hoie punIq Bgvµq Bjn qy Awpu qwir qwry kul doie ]1]
aucwrx Bjn: polw bolo
hoe puneeth bhagavanth bhajan thae aap thaar thaarae kul dhoe ||1||
He becomes pure, by meditating on the Lord God. He saves himself, and the families of both his parents. ||1||
Dµin su gwau Dµin so Twau Dµin punIq kutµb sB loie ]
dhhann s gaao dhhann so thaao dhhann puneeth kuttanb sabh loe ||
Blessed is that village, and blessed is the place of his birth; blessed is his pure family, throughout all the worlds.
ijin pIAw swr rsu qjy Awn rs hoie rs mgn fwry ibKu Koie ]2]
aucwrx mgn: polw bolo
jin peeaa saar ras thajae aan ras hoe ras magan ddaarae bikh khoe ||2||
One who drinks in the sublime essence abandons other tastes; intoxicated with this divine essence, he discards sin and corruption. ||2||
pMifq sUr CqRpiq rwjw Bgq brwbir Aauru n koie ]
aucwrx b-rwbir
panddith soor shhathrapath raajaa bhagath baraabar aour n koe ||
Among the religious scholars, warriors and kings, there is no other equal to the Lord's devotee.
jYsy purYn pwq rhY jl smIp Bin rivdws jnmy jig Eie ]3]2]
aucwrx pu-rYn; rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)
jaisae purain paath rehai jal sameep bhan ravidhaas janamae jag oue ||3||2||
As the leaves of the water lily float free in the water, says Ravi Daas, so is their life in the world. ||3||2||