pauVI ]
pourree ||
sBy Qok ivswir ieko imqu kir ]
aucwrx s`By
sabhae thhok visaar eiko mith kar ||
Forget everything, and be friends with the One Lord alone.
mnu qnu hoie inhwlu pwpw dhY hir ]
man than hoe nihaal paapaa dhehai har ||
Your mind and body shall be enraptured, and the Lord shall burn away your sins.
Awvx jwxw cukY jnim n jwih mir ]
aavan jaanaa chukai janam n jaahi mar ||
Your comings and goings in reincarnation shall cease; you shall not be reborn and die again.
scu nwmu AwDwru soig n moih jir ]
sach naam aadhhaar sog n mohi jar ||
The True Name shall be your Support, and you shall not burn in sorrow and attachment.
nwnk nwmu inDwnu mn mih sµij Dir ]20]
naanak naam nidhhaan man mehi sanj dhhar ||20||
O Nanak, gather in the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within your mind. ||20||