SGGSAng 385Raag AsaMahalla 512 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

eyku bgIcw pyf Gn kirAw ]

aucwrx b-gIcw

eaek bageechaa paedd ghan kariaa ||

There is a garden, in which so many plants have grown.

AMimRq nwmu qhw mih PilAw ]1]

anmrith naam thehaa mehi faliaa ||1||

They bear the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam as their fruit. ||1||

AYsw krhu bIcwru igAwnI ]

aisaa karahu beechaar giaanee ||

Consider this, O wise one,

jw qy pweIAY pdu inrbwnI ]

jaa thae paaeeai padh nirabaanee ||

By which you may attain the state of Nirvaanaa.

Awis pwis ibKUAw ky kuMtw bIic AMimRqu hY BweI ry ]1] rhwau ]

aas paas bikhooaa kae kunttaa beech anmrith hai bhaaee rae ||1|| rehaao ||

All around this garden are pools of poison, but within it is the Ambrosial Nectar, O Siblings of Destiny. ||1||Pause||

isMcnhwry eykY mwlI ]

sinchanehaarae eaekai maalee ||

There is only one gardener who tends it.

Kbir krqu hY pwq pq fwlI ]2]

khabar karath hai paath path ddaalee ||2||

He takes care of every leaf and branch. ||2||

sgl bnspiq Awix jVweI ]

aucwrx bn`spiq

sagal banasapath aan jarraaee ||

He brings all sorts of plants and plants them there.

sglI PUlI inPl n kweI ]3]

aucwrx inPl: polw bolo (ASuD: in-Pl)

sagalee foolee nifal n kaaee ||3||

They all bear fruit - none is without fruit. ||3||

AMimRq Plu nwmu ijin gur qy pwieAw ]

anmrith fal naam jin gur thae paaeiaa ||

One who receives the Ambrosial Fruit of the Naam from the Guru

nwnk dws qrI iqin mwieAw ]4]5]56]

naanak dhaas tharee thin maaeiaa ||4||5||56||

- O Nanak, such a servant crosses over the ocean of Maya. ||4||5||56||