pauVI ]
pourree ||
qU Agm dieAwlu byAMqu qyrI kImiq khY kauxu ]
thoo agam dhaeiaal baeanth thaeree keemath kehai koun ||
You are inaccessible, merciful and infinite; who can estimate Your worth?
quDu isrijAw sBu sMswru qU nwieku sgl Baux ]
thudhh sirajiaa sabh sansaar thoo naaeik sagal bhoun ||
You created the entire universe; You are the Master of all the worlds.
qyrI kudriq koie n jwxY myry Twkur sgl raux ]
thaeree kudharath koe n jaanai maerae thaakur sagal roun ||
No one knows Your creative power, O my all-pervading Lord and Master.
quDu ApiV koie n skY qU AibnwsI jg auDrx ]
aucwrx A`piV; auDrx: polw bolo (ASuD: auD`rx)
thudhh aparr koe n sakai thoo abinaasee jag oudhharan ||
No one can equal You; You are imperishable and eternal, the Savior of the world.
quDu Qwpy cwry jug qU krqw sgl Drx ]
thudhh thhaapae chaarae jug thoo karathaa sagal dhharan ||
You established the four ages; You are the Creator of all worlds.
quDu Awvx jwxw kIAw quDu lypu n lgY iqRx ]
thudhh aavan jaanaa keeaa thudhh laep n lagai thrin ||
You created the comings and goings of reincarnation; not even a particle of filth sticks to You.
ijsu hovih Awip dieAwlu iqsu lwvih siqgur crx ]
jis hovehi aap dhaeiaal this laavehi sathigur charan ||
As you are merciful, You attach us to the Feet of the True Guru.
qU horqu aupwie n lBhI AibnwsI isRsit krx ]2]
thoo horath oupaae n labhehee abinaasee srisatt karan ||2||
You cannot be found by any other efforts; You are the eternal, imperishable Creator of the Universe. ||2||