SGGSAng 1231Raag SarangMahalla 55 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

swrg mÚ 5 ]

aucwrx swrg mh`lw pMjvw

saarag ma 5 ||

Saarang, Fifth Mehl:

krq kyl ibKY myl cMdR sUr mohy ]

karath kael bikhai mael chandhr soor mohae ||

Acting and play-acting, the mortal sinks into corruption. Even the moon and the sun are enticed and bewitched.

aupjqw ibkwr duµdr nauprI Junµqkwr suµdr Aing Bwau krq iPrq ibnu gopwl Dohy ] rhwau ]

aucwrx aup-jqw; Ju-nµqkwr; A-ing

oupajathaa bikaar dhundhar nouparee jhunanthakaar sundhar anig bhaao karath firath bin gopaal dhhohae || rehaao ||

The disturbing noise of corruption wells up, in the tinkling ankle bells of Maya the beautiful. With her beguiling gestures of love, she seduces everyone except the Lord. ||Pause||

qIin Bauny lptwie rhI kwc krim n jwq shI aun mq AMD DMD ricq jYsy mhw swgr hohy ]1]

aucwrx m`q

theen bhounae lapattaae rehee kaach karam n jaath sehee ounamath andhh dhhandhh rachith jaisae mehaa saagar hohae ||1||

Maya clings to the three worlds; those who are stuck in wrong actions cannot escape her. Drunk and engrossed in blind worldly affairs, they are tossed about on the mighty ocean. ||1||

auDry hir sMq dws kwit dInI jm kI Pws piqq pwvn nwmu jw ko ismir nwnk Ehy ]2]10]139]3]13]155]

oudhharae har santh dhaas kaatt dheenee jam kee faas pathith paavan naam jaa ko simar naanak ouhae ||2||10||139||3||13||155||

The Saint, the slave of the Lord is saved; the noose of the Messenger of Death is snapped. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the Purifier of sinners; O Nanak, remember Him in meditation. ||2||10||139||3||13||155||