SGGSAng 340Raag GauriBavan Akhari168 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

rwgu gauVI pUrbI bwvn AKrI kbIr jIau kI

raag gourree poorabee baavan akharee kabeer jeeo kee

Raag Gauree Poorbee, Baawan Akhree Of Kabeer Jee:

<> siqnwmu krqw purKu gurpRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathinaam karathaa purakh guraprasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. Truth Is The Name. Creative Being Personified. By Guru's Grace:

bwvn ACr lok qRY sBu kCu ien hI mwih ]

baavan ashhar lok thrai sabh kashh ein hee maahi ||

Through these fifty-two letters, the three worlds and all things are described.

ey AKr iKir jwihgy Eie AKr ien mih nwih ]1]

aucwrx AKr: pihlw nUµ A`Kr, dUsry nUµ AK`r bolo

eae akhar khir jaahigae oue akhar ein mehi naahi ||1||

These letters shall perish; they cannot describe the Imperishable Lord. ||1||

jhw bol qh ACr Awvw ]

aucwrx A`Cr

jehaa bol theh ashhar aavaa ||

Wherever there is speech, there are letters.

jh Abol qh mnu n rhwvw ]

jeh abol theh man n rehaavaa ||

Where there is no speech, there, the mind rests on nothing.

bol Abol miD hY soeI ]

bol abol madhh hai soee ||

He is in both speech and silence.

js Ehu hY qs lKY n koeI ]2]

jas ouhu hai thas lakhai n koee ||2||

No one can know Him as He is. ||2||

Alh lhau qau ikAw khau khau q ko aupkwr ]

aucwrx A`lh

aleh leho tho kiaa keho keho th ko oupakaar ||

If I come to know the Lord, what can I say; what good does it do to speak?

btk bIj mih riv rihE jw ko qIin lok ibsQwr ]3]

battak beej mehi rav rehiou jaa ko theen lok bisathhaar ||3||

He is contained in the seed of the banyan-tree, and yet, His expanse spreads across the three worlds. ||3||

Alh lhµqw Byd CY kCu kCu pwieE Byd ]

aucwrx A`lh

aleh lehanthaa bhaedh shhai kashh kashh paaeiou bhaedh ||

One who knows the Lord understands His mystery, and bit by bit, the mystery disappears.

aulit Byd mnu byiDE pwieE ABµg ACyd ]4]

oulatt bhaedh man baedhhiou paaeiou abhang ashhaedh ||4||

Turning away from the world, one's mind is pierced through with this mystery, and one obtains the Indestructible, Impenetrable Lord. ||4||

qurk qrIkiq jwnIAY ihMdU byd purwn ]

aucwrx q-rIkiq

thurak thareekath jaaneeai hindhoo baedh puraan ||

The Muslim knows the Muslim way of life; the Hindu knows the Vedas and Puraanas.

mn smJwvn kwrny kCUAk pVIAY igAwn ]5]

man samajhaavan kaaranae kashhooak parreeai giaan ||5||

To instruct their minds, people ought to study some sort of spiritual wisdom. ||5||

EAMkwr Awid mY jwnw ]

ouankaar aadh mai jaanaa ||

I know only the One, the Universal Creator, the Primal Being.

iliK Aru mytY qwih n mwnw ]

likh ar maettai thaahi n maanaa ||

I do not believe in anyone whom the Lord writes and erases.

EAMkwr lKY jau koeI ]

ouankaar lakhai jo koee ||

If someone knows the One, the Universal Creator,

soeI liK mytxw n hoeI ]6]

aucwrx liK: polw bolo

soee lakh maettanaa n hoee ||6||

He shall not perish, since he knows Him. ||6||

kkw ikrix kml mih pwvw ]

kakaa kiran kamal mehi paavaa ||

KAKKA: When the rays of Divine Light come into the heart-lotus,

sis ibgws sµpt nhI Awvw ]

sas bigaas sanpatt nehee aavaa ||

The moon-light of Maya cannot enter the basket of the mind.

Aru jy qhw kusm rsu pwvw ]

ar jae thehaa kusam ras paavaa ||

And if one obtains the subtle fragrance of that spiritual flower,

Akh khw kih kw smJwvw ]7]

aucwrx A-kh

akeh kehaa kehi kaa samajhaavaa ||7||

He cannot describe the indescribable; he could speak, but who would understand? ||7||

KKw iehY KoiV mn Awvw ]

khakhaa eihai khorr man aavaa ||

KHAKHA: The mind has entered this cave.

KoVy Cwif n dh ids Dwvw ]

khorrae shhaadd n dheh dhis dhhaavaa ||

It does not leave this cave to wander in the ten directions.

Ksmih jwix iKmw kir rhY ]

khasamehi jaan khimaa kar rehai ||

Knowing their Lord and Master, people show compassion;

qau hoie iniKAau AKY pdu lhY ]8]

aucwrx in-iKAau

tho hoe nikhiao akhai padh lehai ||8||

Then, they become immortal, and attain the state of eternal dignity. ||8||

ggw gur ky bcn pCwnw ]

gagaa gur kae bachan pashhaanaa ||

GAGGA: One who understands the Guru's Word

dUjI bwq n DreI kwnw ]

dhoojee baath n dhharee kaanaa ||

Does not listen to anything else.

rhY ibhµgm kqih n jweI ]

aucwrx ib-hµgm

rehai bihangam kathehi n jaaee ||

He remains like a hermit and does not go anywhere,

Agh ghY gih ggn rhweI ]9]

aucwrx Agh: polw bolo (ASuD: A-gh)

ageh gehai gehi gagan rehaaee ||9||

When he grasps the Ungraspable Lord and dwells in the sky of the Tenth Gate. ||9||

GGw Git Git inmsY soeI ]

aucwrx inmsY: polw bolo (ASuD: in-msY)

ghaghaa ghatt ghatt nimasai soee ||

GHAGHA: He dwells in each and every heart.

Gt PUty Git kbih n hoeI ]

aucwrx Gt: polw bolo; G`it

ghatt foottae ghatt kabehi n hoee ||

Even when the body-pitcher bursts, he does not diminish.

qw Gt mwih Gwt jau pwvw ]

aucwrx Gt: polw bolo

thaa ghatt maahi ghaatt jo paavaa ||

When someone finds the Path to the Lord within his own heart,

so Gtu Cwif AvGt kq Dwvw ]10]

aucwrx Gtu: polw bolo

so ghatt shhaadd avaghatt kath dhhaavaa ||10||

Why should he abandon that Path to follow some other path? ||10||

|M|w ingRih snyhu kir inrvwro sMdyh ]

n(g)ann(g)aa nigrehi sanaehu kar niravaaro sandhaeh ||

NGANGA: Restrain yourself, love the Lord, and dismiss your doubts.

nwhI dyiK n BwjIAY prm isAwnp eyh ]11]

naahee dhaekh n bhaajeeai param siaanap eaeh ||11||

Even if you do not see the Path, do not run away; this is the highest wisdom. ||11||

ccw ricq icqR hY BwrI ]

chachaa rachith chithr hai bhaaree ||

CHACHA: He painted the great picture of the world.

qij icqRY cyqhu icqkwrI ]

thaj chithrai chaethahu chithakaaree ||

Forget this picture, and remember the Painter.

icqR bicqR iehY AvJyrw ]

chithr bachithr eihai avajhaeraa ||

This wondrous painting is now the problem.

qij icqRY icqu rwiK icqyrw ]12]

thaj chithrai chith raakh chithaeraa ||12||

Forget this picture and focus your consciousness on the Painter. ||12||

CCw iehY CqRpiq pwsw ]

shhashhaa eihai shhathrapath paasaa ||

CHHACHHA: The Sovereign Lord of the Universe is here with you.

Cik ik n rhhu Cwif ik n Awsw ]

shhak k n rehahu shhaadd k n aasaa ||

Why are you so unhappy? Why don't you abandon your desires?

ry mn mY qau iCn iCn smJwvw ]

rae man mai tho shhin shhin samajhaavaa ||

O my mind, each and every moment I try to instruct you,

qwih Cwif kq Awpu bDwvw ]13]

thaahi shhaadd kath aap badhhaavaa ||13||

But you forsake Him, and entangle yourself with others. ||13||

jjw jau qn jIvq jrwvY ]

jajaa jo than jeevath jaraavai ||

JAJJA: If someone burns his body while he is still alive,

jobn jwir jugiq so pwvY ]

joban jaar jugath so paavai ||

And burns away the desires of his youth, then he finds the right way.

As jir pr jir jir jb rhY ]

as jar par jar jar jab rehai ||

When he burns his desire for his own wealth, and that of others,

qb jwie joiq aujwrau lhY ]14]

thab jaae joth oujaaro lehai ||14||

Then he finds the Divine Light. ||14||

JJw auriJ suriJ nhI jwnw ]

jhajhaa ourajh surajh nehee jaanaa ||

JHAJHA: You are entangled in the world, and you do not know how to get untangled.

rihE JJik nwhI prvwnw ]

rehiou jhajhak naahee paravaanaa ||

You hold back in fear, and are not approved by the Lord.

kq JiK JiK Aaurn smJwvw ]

kath jhakh jhakh aouran samajhaavaa ||

Why do you talk such nonsense, trying to convince others?

Jgru kIey Jgrau hI pwvw ]15]

jhagar keeeae jhagaro hee paavaa ||15||

Stirring up arguments, you shall only obtain more arguments. ||15||

\M\w inkit ju Gt rihE dUir khw qij jwie ]

njannjaa nikatt j ghatt rehiou dhoor kehaa thaj jaae ||

NYANYA: He dwells near you, deep within your heart; why do you leave Him and go far away?

jw kwrix jgu FUiFAau nyrau pwieAau qwih ]16]

jaa kaaran jag dtoodtiao naero paaeiao thaahi ||16||

I searched the whole world for Him, but I found Him near myself. ||16||

ttw ibkt Gwt Gt mwhI ]

aucwrx ttw: QoVw Bwrw krky; ibkt: polw bolo (ASuD: ibk`t)

ttattaa bikatt ghaatt ghatt maahee ||

TATTA: It is such a difficult path, to find Him within your own heart.

Koil kpwt mhil ik n jwhI ]

aucwrx kpwt: polw bolo (ASuD: kp`wt)

khol kapaatt mehal k n jaahee ||

Open the doors within, and enter the Mansion of His Presence.

dyiK Atl til kqih n jwvw ]

aucwrx A-tl

dhaekh attal ttal kathehi n jaavaa ||

Beholding the Immovable Lord, you shall not slip and go anywhere else.

rhY lpit Gt prcau pwvw ]17]

aucwrx pr-cau

rehai lapatt ghatt paracho paavaa ||17||

You shall remain firmly attached to the Lord, and your heart will be happy. ||17||

TTw iehY dUir Tg nIrw ]

thathaa eihai dhoor thag neeraa ||

T'HAT'HA: Keep yourself far away from this mirage.

nIiT nIiT mnu kIAw DIrw ]

neeth neeth man keeaa dhheeraa ||

With great difficulty, I have calmed my mind.

ijin Tig TigAw sgl jgu Kwvw ]

jin thag thagiaa sagal jag khaavaa ||

That cheater, who cheated and devoured the whole world

so Tgu TigAw Taur mnu Awvw ]18]

so thag thagiaa thour man aavaa ||18||

- I have cheated that cheater, and my mind is now at peace. ||18||

ffw fr aupjy fru jweI ]

ddaddaa ddar oupajae ddar jaaee ||

DADDA: When the Fear of God wells up, other fears depart.

qw fr mih fru rihAw smweI ]

thaa ddar mehi ddar rehiaa samaaee ||

Other fears are absorbed into that Fear.

jau fr frY qw iPir fru lwgY ]

jo ddar ddarai thaa fir ddar laagai ||

When one rejects the Fear of God, then other fears cling to him.

infr hUAw fru aur hoie BwgY ]19]

aucwrx infr: polw bolo (ASuD: in-fr)

niddar hooaa ddar our hoe bhaagai ||19||

But if he becomes fearless, the fears of his heart run away. ||19||

FFw iFg FUFih kq Awnw ]

dtadtaa dtig dtoodtehi kath aanaa ||

DHADHA: Why do you search in other directions?

FUFq hI Fih gey prwnw ]

aucwrx FUFq: it`p rihq bolo

dtoodtath hee dtehi geae paraanaa ||

Searching for Him like this, the breath of life runs out.

ciV sumyir FUiF jb Awvw ]

charr sumaer dtoodt jab aavaa ||

When I returned after climbing the mountain,

ijh gVu giVE su gV mih pwvw ]20]

jih garr garriou s garr mehi paavaa ||20||

I found Him in the fortress - the fortress which He Himself made. ||20||

xwxw rix rUqau nr nyhI krY ]

naanaa ran rootho nar naehee karai ||

NANNA: The warrior who fights on the battle-field should keep up and press on.

nw invY nw Puin sµcrY ]

naa nivai naa fun sancharai ||

He should not yield, and he should not retreat.

Dµin jnmu qwhI ko gxY ]

dhhann janam thaahee ko ganai ||

Blessed is the coming of one

mwrY eykih qij jwie GxY ]21]

maarai eaekehi thaj jaae ghanai ||21||

Who conquers the one and renounces the many. ||21||

qqw Aqr qirE nh jweI ]

aucwrx A-qr

thathaa athar thariou neh jaaee ||

TATTA: The impassable world-ocean cannot be crossed over;

qn iqRBvx mih rihE smweI ]

than thribhavan mehi rehiou samaaee ||

The body remains embroiled in the three worlds.

jau iqRBvx qn mwih smwvw ]

jo thribhavan than maahi samaavaa ||

But when the Lord of the three worlds enters into the body,

qau qqih qq imilAw scu pwvw ]22]

tho thathehi thath miliaa sach paavaa ||22||

Then one's essence merges with the essence of reality, and the True Lord is attained. ||22||

QQw AQwh Qwh nhI pwvw ]

thhathhaa athhaah thhaah nehee paavaa ||

T'HAT'HA: He is Unfathomable; His depths cannot be fathomed.

Ehu AQwh iehu iQru n rhwvw ]

ouhu athhaah eihu thhir n rehaavaa ||

He is Unfathomable; this body is impermanent, and unstable.

QoVY Qil Qwnk AwrµBY ]

thhorrai thhal thhaanak aaranbhai ||

The mortal builds his dwelling upon this tiny space;

ibnu hI QwBh mMidru QMBY ]23]

bin hee thhaabheh mandhir thhanbhai ||23||

Without any pillars, he wishes to support a mansion. ||23||

ddw dyiK ju ibnsnhwrw ]

dhadhaa dhaekh j binasanehaaraa ||

DADDA: Whatever is seen shall perish.

js AdyiK qs rwiK ibcwrw ]

jas adhaekh thas raakh bichaaraa ||

Contemplate the One who is unseen.

dsvY duAwir kuµcI jb dIjY ]

dhasavai dhuaar kunchee jab dheejai ||

When the key is inserted in the Tenth Gate,

qau dieAwl ko drsnu kIjY ]24]

tho dhaeiaal ko dharasan keejai ||24||

Then the Blessed Vision of the Merciful Lord's Darshan is seen. ||24||

DDw ArDih aurD inbyrw ]

dhhadhhaa aradhhehi ouradhh nibaeraa ||

DHADHA: When one ascends from the lower realms of the earth to the higher realms of the heavens, then everything is resolved.

ArDih aurDh mMiJ bsyrw ]

aradhhehi ouradhheh manjh basaeraa ||

The Lord dwells in both the lower and higher worlds.

ArDh Cwif aurD jau Awvw ]

aradhheh shhaadd ouradhh jo aavaa ||

Leaving the earth, the soul ascends to the heavens;

qau ArDih aurD imilAw suK pwvw ]25]

tho aradhhehi ouradhh miliaa sukh paavaa ||25||

Then, the lower and higher join together, and peace is obtained. ||25||

nµnw inis idnu inrKq jweI ]

aucwrx inr-Kq

nannaa nis dhin nirakhath jaaee ||

NANNA: The days and nights go by; I am looking for the Lord.

inrKq nYn rhy rqvweI ]

aucwrx inr-Kq; r`qvweI

nirakhath nain rehae rathavaaee ||

Looking for Him, my eyes have become blood-shot.

inrKq inrKq jb jwie pwvw ]

aucwrx inr-Kq; inr-Kq

nirakhath nirakhath jab jaae paavaa ||

After looking and looking,when He is finally found,

qb ly inrKih inrK imlwvw ]26]

aucwrx inr-Kih

thab lae nirakhehi nirakh milaavaa ||26||

Then the one who was looking merges into the One who was looked for. ||26||

ppw Apr pwru nhI pwvw ]

aucwrx A-pr

papaa apar paar nehee paavaa ||

PAPPA: He is limitless; His limits cannot be found.

prm joiq isau prcau lwvw ]

aucwrx pr-cau

param joth sio paracho laavaa ||

I have attuned myself to the Supreme Light.

pWcau ieMdRI ingRh kreI ]

paancho eindhree nigreh karee ||

One who controls his five senses

pwpu puMnu doaU inrvreI ]27]

aucwrx inr-vreI

paap punn dhooo niravaree ||27||

Rises above both sin and virtue. ||27||

PPw ibnu PUlh Plu hoeI ]

fafaa bin fooleh fal hoee ||

FAFFA: Even without the flower, the fruit is produced.

qw Pl PMk lKY jau koeI ]

thaa fal fank lakhai jo koee ||

One who looks at a slice of that fruit

dUix n preI PMk ibcwrY ]

dhoon n paree fank bichaarai ||

And reflects on it, will not be consigned to reincarnation.

qw Pl PMk sBY qn PwrY ]28]

aucwrx s`BY

thaa fal fank sabhai than faarai ||28||

A slice of that fruit slices all bodies. ||28||

bbw ibMdih ibMd imlwvw ]

babaa bindhehi bindh milaavaa ||

BABBA: When one drop blends with another drop,

ibMdih ibMid n ibCurn pwvw ]

bindhehi bindh n bishhuran paavaa ||

Then these drops cannot be separated again.

bMdau hoie bµdgI ghY ]

bandho hoe bandhagee gehai ||

Become the Lord's slave, and hold tight to His meditation.

bµdk hoie bMD suiD lhY ]29]

bandhak hoe bandhh sudhh lehai ||29||

If you turn your thoughts to the Lord, the Lord will take care of you like a relative. ||29||

BBw Bydih Byd imlwvw ]

bhabhaa bhaedhehi bhaedh milaavaa ||

BHABHA: When doubt is pierced, union is achieved.

Ab Bau Bwin Brosau Awvw ]

ab bho bhaan bharoso aavaa ||

I have shattered my fear, and now I have come to have faith.

jo bwhir so BIqir jwinAw ]

jo baahar so bheethar jaaniaa ||

I thought that He was outside of me, but now I know that He is within me.

BieAw Bydu BUpiq pihcwinAw ]30]

bhaeiaa bhaedh bhoopath pehichaaniaa ||30||

When I came to understand this mystery, then I recognized the Lord. ||30||

mmw mUl gihAw mnu mwnY ]

mamaa mool gehiaa man maanai ||

MAMMA: Clinging to the source, the mind is satisfied.

mrmI hoie su mn kau jwnY ]

maramee hoe s man ko jaanai ||

One who knows this mystery understands his own mind.

mq koeI mn imlqw iblmwvY ]

aucwrx mq: polw bolo

math koee man milathaa bilamaavai ||

Let no one delay in uniting his mind.

mgn BieAw qy so scu pwvY ]31]

aucwrx mgn: polw bolo

magan bhaeiaa thae so sach paavai ||31||

Those who obtain the True Lord are immersed in delight. ||31||

mMmw mn isau kwju hY mn swDy isiD hoie ]

aucwrx is`iD

mamaa man sio kaaj hai man saadhhae sidhh hoe ||

MAMMA: The mortal's business is with his own mind; one who disciplines his mind attains perfection.

mn hI mn isau khY kbIrw mnsw imilAw n koie ]32]

man hee man sio kehai kabeeraa man saa miliaa n koe ||32||

Only the mind can deal with the mind; says Kabeer, I have not met anything like the mind. ||32||

iehu mnu skqI iehu mnu sIau ]

eihu man sakathee eihu man seeo ||

This mind is Shakti; this mind is Shiva.

iehu mnu pMc qq ko jIau ]

eihu man panch thath ko jeeo ||

This mind is the life of the five elements.

iehu mnu ly jau aunmin rhY ]

aucwrx au~nmin

eihu man lae jo ounaman rehai ||

When this mind is channeled, and guided to enlightenment,

qau qIin lok kI bwqY khY ]33]

tho theen lok kee baathai kehai ||33||

It can describe the secrets of the three worlds. ||33||

XXw jau jwnih qau durmiq hin kir bis kwieAw gwau ]

aucwrx XXw: X`eIAw bolo, pihly 'X' dI ApnI Avwj; kWieAW

yayaa jo jaanehi tho dhuramath han kar bas kaaeiaa gaao ||

YAYYA: If you know anything, then destroy your evil-mindedness, and subjugate the body-village.

rix rUqau BwjY nhI sUrau Qwrau nwau ]34]

aucwrx rU`qau

ran rootho bhaajai nehee sooro thhaaro naao ||34||

When you are engaged in the battle, don't run away; then, you shall be known as a spiritual hero. ||34||

rwrw rsu inrs kir jwinAw ]

aucwrx in-rs

raaraa ras niras kar jaaniaa ||

RARRA: I have found tastes to be tasteless.

hoie inrs su rsu pihcwinAw ]

aucwrx in-rs

hoe niras s ras pehichaaniaa ||

Becoming tasteless, I have realized that taste.

ieh rs Cwfy auh rsu Awvw ]

eih ras shhaaddae ouh ras aavaa ||

Abandoning these tastes, I have found that taste.

auh rsu pIAw ieh rsu nhI Bwvw ]35]

ouh ras peeaa eih ras nehee bhaavaa ||35||

Drinking in that taste, this taste is no longer pleasing. ||35||

llw AYsy ilv mnu lwvY ]

lalaa aisae liv man laavai ||

LALLA: Embrace such love for the Lord in your mind,

Anq n jwie prm scu pwvY ]

anath n jaae param sach paavai ||

That you shall not have to go to any other; you shall attain the supreme truth.

Aru jau qhw pRym ilv lwvY ]

ar jo thehaa praem liv laavai ||

And if you embrace love and affection for Him there,

qau Alh lhY lih crn smwvY ]36]

aucwrx A`lh

tho aleh lehai lehi charan samaavai ||36||

Then you shall obtain the Lord; obtaining Him, you shall be absorbed in His Feet. ||36||

vvw bwr bwr ibsn smHwir ]

aucwrx vvw: polw bolo (ASuD: v`vw jW vwvw)

vavaa baar baar bisan samhaar ||

WAWA: Time and time again, dwell upon the Lord.

ibsn sµmHwir n AwvY hwir ]

bisan sanmhaar n aavai haar ||

Dwelling upon the Lord, defeat shall not come to you.

bil bil jy ibsn qnw jsu gwvY ]

bal bal jae bisanathanaa jas gaavai ||

I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice to those, who sing the praises of the Saints, the sons of the Lord.

ivsn imly sB hI scu pwvY ]37]

visan milae sabh hee sach paavai ||37||

Meeting the Lord, total Truth is obtained. ||37||

vwvw vwhI jwnIAY vw jwny iehu hoie ]

vaavaa vaahee jaaneeai vaa jaanae eihu hoe ||

WAWA: Know Him. By knowing Him, this mortal becomes Him.

iehu Aru Ehu jb imlY qb imlq n jwnY koie ]38]

eihu ar ouhu jab milai thab milath n jaanai koe ||38||

When this soul and that Lord are blended, then, having been blended, they cannot be known separately. ||38||

ssw so nIkw kir soDhu ]

sasaa so neekaa kar sodhhahu ||

SASSA: Discipline your mind with sublime perfection.

Gt prcw kI bwq inroDhu ]

ghatt parachaa kee baath nirodhhahu ||

Refrain from that talk which attracts the heart.

Gt prcY jau aupjY Bwau ]

ghatt parachai jo oupajai bhaao ||

The heart is attracted, when love wells up.

pUir rihAw qh iqRBvx rwau ]39]

poor rehiaa theh thribhavan raao ||39||

The King of the three worlds is perfectly pervading and permeating there. ||39||

KKw Koij prY jau koeI ]

khakhaa khoj parai jo koee ||

KHAKHA: Anyone who seeks Him,

jo KojY so bhuir n hoeI ]

jo khojai so bahur n hoee ||

And by seeking Him, finds Him, shall not be born again.

Koj bUiJ jau krY bIcwrw ]

aucwrx bU`iJ

khoj boojh jo karai beechaaraa ||

When someone seeks Him, and comes to understand and contemplate Him,

qau Bvjl qrq n lwvY bwrw ]40]

tho bhavajal tharath n laavai baaraa ||40||

Then he crosses over the terrifying world-ocean in an instant. ||40||

ssw so sh syj svwrY ]

sasaa so seh saej savaarai ||

SASSA: The bed of the soul-bride is adorned by her Husband Lord;

soeI shI sµdyh invwrY ]

soee sehee sandhaeh nivaarai ||

Her skepticism is dispelled.

Alp suK Cwif prm suK pwvw ]

aucwrx Alp: polw bolo (ASuD: Al`p)

alap sukh shhaadd param sukh paavaa ||

Renouncing the shallow pleasures of the world, she obtains the supreme delight.

qb ieh qRIA Euhu kMqu khwvw ]41]

aucwrx Euhu: Ehu bolo

thab eih threea ouhu kanth kehaavaa ||41||

Then, she is the soul-bride; He is called her Husband Lord. ||41||

hwhw hoq hoie nhI jwnw ]

haahaa hoth hoe nehee jaanaa ||

HAHA: He exists, but He is not known to exist.

jb hI hoie qbih mnu mwnw ]

jab hee hoe thabehi man maanaa ||

When He is known to exist, then the mind is pleased and appeased.

hY qau shI lKY jau koeI ]

hai tho sehee lakhai jo koee ||

Of course the Lord exists, if one could only understand Him.

qb EhI auhu eyhu n hoeI ]42]

thab ouhee ouhu eaehu n hoee ||42||

Then, He alone exists, and not this mortal being. ||42||

ilµau ilµau krq iPrY sBu logu ]

lino lino karath firai sabh log ||

Everyone goes around saying, “I'll take this, and I'll take that.”

qw kwrix ibAwpY bhu sogu ]

thaa kaaran biaapai bahu sog ||

Because of that, they suffer in terrible pain.

liKmIbr isau jau ilau lwvY ]

aucwrx liKmI-br

lakhimee bar sio jo lio laavai ||

When someone comes to love the Lord of Lakhshmi,

sogu imtY sB hI suK pwvY ]43]

sog mittai sabh hee sukh paavai ||43||

His sorrow departs, and he obtains total peace. ||43||

KKw iKrq Kpq gey kyqy ]

khakhaa khirath khapath geae kaethae ||

KHAKHA: Many have wasted their lives, and then perished.

iKrq Kpq AjhUµ nh cyqy ]

khirath khapath ajehoon neh chaethae ||

Wasting away, they do not remember the Lord, even now.

Ab jgu jwin jau mnw rhY ]

aucwrx mnw: QoVw Bwrw krky

ab jag jaan jo manaa rehai ||

But if someone, even now, comes to know the transitory nature of the world and restrain his mind,

jh kw ibCurw qh iQru lhY ]44]

jeh kaa bishhuraa theh thhir lehai ||44||

He shall find his permanent home, from which he was separated. ||44||

bwvn AKr jory Awin ]

baavan akhar jorae aan ||

The fifty-two letters have been joined together.

sikAw n AKru eyku pCwin ]

aucwrx s`ikAw

sakiaa n akhar eaek pashhaan ||

But people cannot recognize the One Word of God.

sq kw sbdu kbIrw khY ]

sath kaa sabadh kabeeraa kehai ||

Kabeer speaks the Shabad, the Word of Truth.

pMifq hoie su AnBY rhY ]

aucwrx An-BY

panddith hoe s anabhai rehai ||

One who is a Pandit, a religious scholar, must remain fearless.

pMifq logh kau ibauhwr ]

panddith logeh ko biouhaar ||

It is the business of the scholarly person to join letters.

igAwnvµq kau qqu bIcwr ]

giaanavanth ko thath beechaar ||

The spiritual person contemplates the essence of reality.

jw kY jIA jYsI buiD hoeI ]

jaa kai jeea jaisee budhh hoee ||

According to the wisdom within the mind,

kih kbIr jwnYgw soeI ]45]

kehi kabeer jaanaigaa soee ||45||

Says Kabeer, so does one come to understand. ||45||