SGGSAng 1070Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 449 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

mwrU mhlw 4 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw cauQw

maaroo mehalaa 4 ||

Maaroo, Fourth Mehl:

hir Agm Agocru sdw AibnwsI ]

har agam agochar sadhaa abinaasee ||

The Lord is inaccessible and unfathomable; He is eternal and imperishable.

srby riv rihAw Gt vwsI ]

sarabae rav rehiaa ghatt vaasee ||

He dwells in the heart, and is all-pervading, permeating everywhere.

iqsu ibnu Avru n koeI dwqw hir iqsih sryvhu pRwxI hy ]1]

aucwrx s-ryvhu

this bin avar n koee dhaathaa har thisehi saraevahu praanee hae ||1||

There is no other Giver except Him; worship the Lord, O mortals. ||1||

jw kau rwKY hir rwKxhwrw ]

jaa ko raakhai har raakhanehaaraa ||

No one can kill anyone

qw kau koie n swkis mwrw ]

thaa ko koe n saakas maaraa ||

Who is saved by the Savior Lord.

so AYsw hir syvhu sMqhu jw kI aUqm bwxI hy ]2]

so aisaa har saevahu santhahu jaa kee ootham baanee hae ||2||

So serve such a Lord, O Saints, whose Bani is exalted and sublime. ||2||

jw jwpY ikCu ikQwaU nwhI ]

jaa jaapai kishh kithhaaoo naahee ||

When it seems that a place is empty and void,

qw krqw BrpUir smwhI ]

thaa karathaa bharapoor samaahee ||

There, the Creator Lord is permeating and pervading.

sUky qy Puin hirAw kIqonu hir iDAwvhu coj ivfwxI hy ]3]

sookae thae fun hariaa keethon har dhhiaavahu choj viddaanee hae ||3||

He causes the dried-up branch to blossom forth in greenery again; so meditate on the Lord - wondrous are His ways! ||3||

jo jIAw kI vydn jwxY ]

jo jeeaa kee vaedhan jaanai ||

The One who knows the anguish of all beings

iqsu swihb kY hau kurbwxY ]

this saahib kai ho kurabaanai ||

Unto that Lord and Master, I am a sacrifice.

iqsu AwgY jn kir bynµqI jo srb suKw kw dwxI hy ]4]

this aagai jan kar baenanthee jo sarab sukhaa kaa dhaanee hae ||4||

Offer your prayers to the One who is the Giver of all peace and joy. ||4||

jo jIAY kI swr n jwxY ]

jo jeeai kee saar n jaanai ||

But one who does not know the state of the soul

iqsu isau ikCu n khIAY AjwxY ]

this sio kishh n keheeai ajaanai ||

Do not say anything to such an ignorant person.

mUrK isau nh lUJu prwxI hir jpIAY pdu inrbwxI hy ]5]

moorakh sio neh loojh paraanee har japeeai padh nirabaanee hae ||5||

Do not argue with fools, O mortals. Meditate on the Lord, in the state of Nirvaanaa. ||5||

nw kir icMq icMqw hY krqy ]

naa kar chinth chinthaa hai karathae ||

Don't worry - let the Creator take care of it.

hir dyvY jil Qil jµqw sBqY ]

aucwrx sB-qY

har dhaevai jal thhal janthaa sabhathai ||

The Lord gives to all creatures in the water and on the land.

AicMq dwnu dyie pRBu myrw ivic pwQr kIt pKwxI hy ]6]

achinth dhaan dhaee prabh maeraa vich paathhar keett pakhaanee hae ||6||

My God bestows His blessings without being asked, even to worms in soil and stones. ||6||

nw kir Aws mIq suq BweI ]

naa kar aas meeth suth bhaaee ||

Do not place your hopes in friends, children and siblings.

nw kir Aws iksY swh ibauhwr kI prweI ]

naa kar aas kisai saah biouhaar kee paraaee ||

Do not place your hopes in kings or the business of others.

ibnu hir nwvY ko bylI nwhI hir jpIAY swrµgpwxI hy ]7]

bin har naavai ko baelee naahee har japeeai saarangapaanee hae ||7||

Without the Lord's Name, no one will be your helper; so meditate on the Lord, the Lord of the world. ||7||

Anidnu nwmu jphu bnvwrI ]

anadhin naam japahu banavaaree ||

Night and day, chant the Naam.

sB Awsw mnsw pUrY QwrI ]

sabh aasaa manasaa poorai thhaaree ||

All your hopes and desires shall be fulfilled.

jn nwnk nwmu jphu Bv KMfnu suiK shjy rYix ivhwxI hy ]8]

jan naanak naam japahu bhav khanddan sukh sehajae rain vihaanee hae ||8||

O servant Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Destroyer of fear, and your life-night shall pass in intuitive peace and poise. ||8||

ijin hir syivAw iqin suKu pwieAw ]

jin har saeviaa thin sukh paaeiaa ||

Those who serve the Lord find peace.

shjy hI hir nwim smwieAw ]

sehajae hee har naam samaaeiaa ||

They are intuitively absorbed in the Lord's Name.

jo srix prY iqs kI piq rwKY jwie pUChu vyd purwxI hy ]9]

jo saran parai this kee path raakhai jaae pooshhahu vaedh puraanee hae ||9||

The Lord preserves the honor of those who seek His Sanctuary; go and consult the Vedas and the Puraanas. ||9||

ijsu hir syvw lwey soeI jnu lwgY ]

jis har saevaa laaeae soee jan laagai ||

That humble being is attached to the Lord's service, whom the Lord so attaches.

gur kY sbid Brm Bau BwgY ]

gur kai sabadh bharam bho bhaagai ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, doubt and fear are dispelled.

ivcy igRh sdw rhY audwsI ijau kmlu rhY ivic pwxI hy ]10]

vichae grih sadhaa rehai oudhaasee jio kamal rehai vich paanee hae ||10||

In his own home, he remains unattached, like the lotus flower in the water. ||10||

ivic haumY syvw Qwie n pwey ]

vich houmai saevaa thhaae n paaeae ||

One who serves in egotism is not accepted or approved.

jnim mrY iPir AwvY jwey ]

janam marai fir aavai jaaeae ||

Such a person is born, only to die again, and come and go in reincarnation.

so qpu pUrw sweI syvw jo hir myry min BwxI hy ]11]

aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo

so thap pooraa saaee saevaa jo har maerae man bhaanee hae ||11||

Perfect is that penance and that service, which is pleasing to the Mind of my Lord. ||11||

hau ikAw gux qyry AwKw suAwmI ]

ho kiaa gun thaerae aakhaa suaamee ||

What Glorious Virtues of Yours should I chant, O my Lord and Master?

qU srb jIAw kw AMqrjwmI ]

thoo sarab jeeaa kaa antharajaamee ||

You are the Inner-knower, the Searcher of all souls.

hau mwgau dwnu quJY pih krqy hir Anidnu nwmu vKwxI hy ]12]

ho maago dhaan thujhai pehi karathae har anadhin naam vakhaanee hae ||12||

I beg for blessings from You, O Creator Lord; I repeat Your Name night and day. ||12||

ikshI joru Ahµkwr bolx kw ]

kis hee jor ahankaar bolan kaa ||

Some speak in egotistical power.

ikshI joru dIbwn mwieAw kw ]

kis hee jor dheebaan maaeiaa kaa ||

Some have the power of authority and Maya.

mY hir ibnu tyk Dr Avr n kweI qU krqy rwKu mY inmwxI hy ]13]

mai har bin ttaek dhhar avar n kaaee thoo karathae raakh mai nimaanee hae ||13||

I have no other Support at all, except the Lord. O Creator Lord, please save me, meek and dishonored. ||13||

inmwxy mwxu krih quDu BwvY ]

nimaanae maan karehi thudhh bhaavai ||

You bless the meek and dishonored with honor, as it pleases You, O Lord.

hor kyqI JiK JiK AwvY jwvY ]

hor kaethee jhakh jhakh aavai jaavai ||

Many others argue in conflict, coming and going in reincarnation.

ijn kw pKu krih qU suAwmI iqn kI aUpir gl quDu AwxI hy ]14]

jin kaa pakh karehi thoo suaamee thin kee oopar gal thudhh aanee hae ||14||

Those people, whose side You take, O Lord and Master, are elevated and successful. ||14||

hir hir nwmu ijnI sdw iDAwieAw ]

har har naam jinee sadhaa dhhiaaeiaa ||

Those who meditate forever on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har,

iqnI gurprswid prmpdu pwieAw ]

thinee gur parasaadh param padh paaeiaa ||

By Guru's Grace, obtain the supreme status.

ijin hir syivAw iqin suKu pwieAw ibnu syvw pCoqwxI hy ]15]

jin har saeviaa thin sukh paaeiaa bin saevaa pashhothaanee hae ||15||

Those who serve the Lord find peace; without serving Him, they regret and repent. ||15||

qU sB mih vrqih hir jgµnwQu ]

thoo sabh mehi varathehi har jagannaathh ||

You are pervading all, O Lord of the world.

so hir jpY ijsu gur msqik hwQu ]

so har japai jis gur masathak haathh ||

He alone meditates on the Lord, upon whose forehead the Guru places His hand.

hir kI srix pieAw hir jwpI jnu nwnku dwsu dswxI hy ]16]2]

har kee saran paeiaa har jaapee jan naanak dhaas dhasaanee hae ||16||2||

Entering the Sanctuary of the Lord, I meditate on the Lord; servant Nanak is the slave of His slaves. ||16||2||