3: sMjogI Awid vrnx
Being fortunate
drsn idsit sMjog hY BY Bwie sMjogI ]
darasan disati sanjogu hai bhai bhaai sanjogee.
He, who has the opportunity of the glimpse of the Guru, is a fortunate person well aware of the virtues of love and awe.
sbd suriq bYrwgu hY suK shj ArogI ]
sabad surati bairaagu hai soukh sahaj arogee.
Adopting the renunciation in the form of Word consciousness, he residing in equipoise is free from all maladies.
mn bc krm n Brm hY jogIsru jogI ]
man bach karam n bharamu hai jogeesaru jogee.
His mind, speech and actions are not engrossed in delusions and he is king of the yogis.
iprm ipAwlw pIvxw AMimRq rs BogI ]
piram piaalaa peevanaa anmrit ras bhogee.
He is the quaffer of the cup of love and remains merged in the delight of nectar.
igAwnu iDAwnu ismrxu imlY pI AipE AsogI ]3]
giaanu dhiaanu simaranu milai pee apiao asogee ||3||
Drinking the elixir of knowledge, meditation and remembrance of the Lord, he has gone beyond all sorrows and sufferings.