2: pIr QoN pIr hoxw
Making of the Guru by the Guru
gur isKhu gur isKu hY pIr pIrhu koeI ]
gur sikhahu gur sikhu hai peer peerahu koee.
By the teachings of the Guru many become disciples of the Guru, but some rare one becomes the Guru like that Guru.
sbid suriq cylw gurU prmysru soeI ]
sabadi surati chaylaa guroo paramaysaru soee.
Only the practitioner of the word and consciousness can attain the status of Guru-God.
drsin idsit iDAwnu Dir gur mUriq hoeI ]
darasani disati dhiaan dhari gur moorati hoee.
Such a disciple concentrating on the philosophy of the Guru (and making it a part of daily conduct) himself becomes a likeness of Guru.
sbd suriq kr kIrqnu siqsMig ivloeI ]
sabad surati kari keeratanu satisangi viloee.
Making his consciousness attentive to Word through recitation of Naam, he merges in the holy congregation.
vwihgurU gurmMqR hY jip haumY KoeI ]
vaahiguroo guramantr hai japi haoumai khoee.
His Guru-manta is Vahiguru, whose recitation erases egotism.
Awpu gvwey Awip hY gux guxI proeI ]2]
aapu gavaaay aapi hai goun gounee paroee ||2||
Losing egotism and merging into the qualities of the supreme Lord, he himself becomes full of qualities.