10: is`KI dI kwr
Performance of Sikh life
gurmuiK suK Plu Kwvxw duKu suKu sm kir Aaucr crxw ]
guramoukhi soukh phalu khaavanaa doukhu soukhu samakari aouchar charanaa.
Adopting pleasure and pain equally, the gurmukhs eat the fruit of delight.
gurisKI dw gwvxw AMimRq bwxI inJru Jrxw ]
gur sikhee daa gaavanaa anmrit baanee nijharu jharanaa.
Music in the Sikh way of life is the continuous flow (singing) of ambrosial hymns of the Guru.
gurisKI DIrju Drmu iprm ipAwlw Ajru jrxw ]
gur sikhee dheeraju dharamu piram piaalaa ajaru jaranaa.
Fortitude and duty in Sikh life is the bearing of the unbearable power of the cup of love.
gurisKI dw sMjmo fir infru infir muc frxw ]
gur sikhee daa sanjamo dari nidaru nidar mouch daranaa.
The practice of continence in Sikhism is getting fearless in this scaring world and moving always in the fear of the Lord.
gurisKI imil swDsMig sbd suriq jgu duqru qrxw ]
gur sikhee mili saadhasangi sabad surati jagu doutaru taranaa.
Another doctrine of the Sikh life is that joining the holy congregation and concentrating the mind in the word, man goes across the world ocean.
gurisKI dw krmu eyhu gur Purmwey gurisK krxw ]
gur sikhee daa karamu ayhu gur phuramaaay gurasikh karanaa.
Acting according the instructions of the Guru is the performance of the Sikh life.
gur ikrpw guru isK guru srxw ]10]
gur kirapaa guru sikhu guru saranaa ||10||
By the grace of the Guru, the disciple (Sikh) remains in the shelter of the Guru.