9: is`KI dw krq`b
Activity in the Sikh-life
gurmuiK scw pMQu hY isKu shj Gir jwie KlovY ]
guramoukhi sachaa pandu hai sikhu sahaj ghari jaai khalovai.
The way of gurmukhs is that way of truth treading which, the Sikh automatically stabilizes in his innate nature.
gurmuiK scu rhrwis hY pYrIN pY pwKwku ju hovY ]
guramoukhi sachu raharaasi hai paireen pai paa khaaku ju hovai.
The conduct of gurmukhs is true; touching of the feet and becoming of dust of the feet i.e. getting most humble is their active behaviour.
guru isKI dw nwvxw gurmiq lY durmiq mlu DovY ]
guru sikhee daa naavanaa guramati lai duramati malu dhovai.
The ablution in Sikh-life is washing away of evil propensities by adopting the wisdom of the Guru (gurmat).
guru isKI dw pUjxw gurisK pUj iprm rsu BovY ]
guru sikhee daa poojanaa gurasikh pooj piram rasu bhovai.
Worship in Sikh-life is the worship (service) to the Sikhs of the Guru and getting drenched in the shower of love of the dear Lord.
guru isKI dw mMnxw gur bcnI gil hwru provY ]
guru sikhee daa mannanaa gur bachanee gali haaru parovai.
Wearing the words of the Guru like garland, is the accepting of the will of the Lord.
guru isKI dw jIvxw jIvidAW mir haumY KovY ]
guru sikhee daa jeevanaa jeenvadiaan mari haoumai khovai.
Life of a gursikh is being dead i.e. losing one's ego while alive.
swDsMgiq guru sbd ivlovY ]9]
saadhasangati gur sabad vilovai ||9||
In such a life the word of the Guru is churned in the holy congregation.