SGGSAng 1130Raag BhaironMahalla 311 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

BYrau mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw qIjw

bhairo mehalaa 3 ||

Bhairao, Third Mehl:

duK ivic jµmY duiK mrY duK ivic kwr kmwie ]

dhukh vich janmai dhukh marai dhukh vich kaar kamaae ||

In pain he is born, in pain he dies, and in pain he does his deeds.

grB jonI ivic kdy n inklY ibstw mwih smwie ]1]

garabh jonee vich kadhae n nikalai bisattaa maahi samaae ||1||

He is never released from the womb of reincarnation; he rots away in manure. ||1||

iDRgu iDRgu mnmuiK jnmu gvwieAw ]

dhhrig dhhrig manamukh janam gavaaeiaa ||

Cursed, cursed is the self-willed manmukh, who wastes his life away.

pUry gur kI syv n kInI hir kw nwmu n BwieAw ]1] rhwau ]

poorae gur kee saev n keenee har kaa naam n bhaaeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||

He does not serve the Perfect Guru; he does not love the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

gur kw sbdu siB rog gvwey ijsno hir jIau lwey ]

gur kaa sabadh sabh rog gavaaeae jis no har jeeo laaeae ||

The Word of the Guru's Shabad cures all diseases; he alone is attached to it, whom the Dear Lord attaches.

nwmy nwim imlY vifAweI ijsno mMin vswey ]2]

naamae naam milai vaddiaaee jis no mann vasaaeae ||2||

Through the Naam, glorious greatness is obtained; he alone obtains it, whose mind is filled with the Lord. ||2||

siqguru BytY qw Plu pwey scu krxI suK swru ]

sathigur bhaettai thaa fal paaeae sach karanee sukh saar ||

Meeting the True Guru, the fruitful rewards are obtained. This true lifestyle beings sublime peace.

sy jn inrml jo hir lwgy hir nwmy Drih ipAwru ]3]

sae jan niramal jo har laagae har naamae dhharehi piaar ||3||

Those humble beings who are attached to the Lord are immaculate; they enshrine love for the Lord's Name. ||3||

iqn kI ryxu imlY qW msqik lweI ijn siqguru pUrw iDAwieAw ]

thin kee raen milai thaan masathak laaee jin sathigur pooraa dhhiaaeiaa ||

If I obtain the dust of their feet, I apply it to my forehead. They meditate on the Perfect True Guru.

nwnk iqn kI ryxu pUrY Bwig pweIAY ijnI rwm nwim icqu lwieAw ]4]3]13]

naanak thin kee raen poorai bhaag paaeeai jinee raam naam chith laaeiaa ||4||3||13||

O Nanak, this dust is obtained only by perfect destiny. They focus their consciousness on the Lord's Name. ||4||3||13||