SGGSAng 1130Raag BhaironMahalla 311 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

BYrau mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw qIjw

bhairo mehalaa 3 ||

Bhairao, Third Mehl:

mnmuiK duibDw sdw hY rogI rogI sgl sMswrw ]

manamukh dhubidhhaa sadhaa hai rogee rogee sagal sansaaraa ||

The self-willed manmukh is afflicted with the disease of duality forever; the entire universe is diseased.

gurmuiK bUJih rogu gvwvih gur sbdI vIcwrw ]1]

aucwrx bU`Jih

guramukh boojhehi rog gavaavehi gur sabadhee veechaaraa ||1||

The Gurmukh understands, and is cured of the disease, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||

hir jIau sqsµgiq mylwie ]

har jeeo sathasangath maelaae ||

O Dear Lord, please let me join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

nwnk iqsno dyie vifAweI jo rwm nwim icqu lwie ]1] rhwau ]

naanak this no dhaee vaddiaaee jo raam naam chith laae ||1|| rehaao ||

O Nanak, the Lord blesses with glorious greatness, those who focus their consciousness on the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

mmqw kwil siB roig ivAwpy iqn jm kI hY isir kwrw ]

aucwrx isir kwrw: v`Krw krky

mamathaa kaal sabh rog viaapae thin jam kee hai sir kaaraa ||

Death takes all those who are afflicted with the disease of possessiveness. They are subject to the Messenger of Death.

gurmuiK pRwxI jmu nyiV n AwvY ijn hir rwiKAw auir Dwrw ]2]

guramukh praanee jam naerr n aavai jin har raakhiaa our dhhaaraa ||2||

The Messenger of Death does not even approach that mortal who, as Gurmukh, enshrines the Lord within his heart. ||2||

ijn hir kw nwmu n gurmuiK jwqw sy jg mih kwhy AwieAw ]

jin har kaa naam n guramukh jaathaa sae jag mehi kaahae aaeiaa ||

One who does not know the Lord's Name, and who does not become Gurmukh - why did he even come into the world?

gur kI syvw kdy n kInI ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]3]

gur kee saevaa kadhae n keenee birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa ||3||

He never serves the Guru; he wastes his life uselessly. ||3||

nwnk sy pUry vfBwgI siqgur syvw lwey ]

naanak sae poorae vaddabhaagee sathigur saevaa laaeae ||

O Nanak, those whom the True Guru enjoins to His service, have perfect good fortune.

jo ieCih soeI Plu pwvih gurbwxI suKu pwey ]4]2]12]

jo eishhehi soee fal paavehi gurabaanee sukh paaeae ||4||2||12||

They obtain the fruits of their desires, and find peace in the Word of the Guru's Bani. ||4||2||12||