mÚ 1 ]
aucwrx mh`lw pihlw
ma 1 ||
First Mehl:
hau muAw mY mwirAw pauxu vhY drIAwau ]
aucwrx muAw: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUAw, moAw)
ho muaa mai maariaa poun vehai dhareeaao ||
In egotism, he dies; possessiveness kills him, and the breath flows out like a river.
iqRsnw QkI nwnkw jw mnu rqw nwie ]
aucwrx r`qw
thrisanaa thhakee naanakaa jaa man rathaa naae ||
Desire is exhausted, O Nanak, only when the mind is imbued with the Name.
loiex rqy loiexI kµnI suriq smwie ]
aucwrx r`qy
loein rathae loeinee kannee surath samaae ||
His eyes are imbued with the eyes of the Lord, and his ears ring with celestial consciousness.
jIB rswieix cUnVI rqI lwl lvwie ]
aucwrx r`qI
jeebh rasaaein choonarree rathee laal lavaae ||
His tongue drinks in the sweet nectar, dyed crimson by chanting the Name of the Beloved Lord.
AMdru musik JkoilAw kImiq khI n jwie ]2]
aucwrx JkoilAw: 'J' qy 'k' nwl bolo
andhar musak jhakoliaa keemath kehee n jaae ||2||
His inner being is drenched with the Lord's fragrance; his worth cannot be described. ||2||