sloku mÚ 1 ]
aucwrx sloku mh`lw pihlw
salok ma 1 ||
Shalok, First Mehl:
suxIAY eyku vKwxIAY surig imriq pieAwil ]
suneeai eaek vakhaaneeai surag mirath paeiaal ||
Listen to and speak the Name of the One Lord, who permeates the heavens, this world and the nether regions of the underworld.
hukmu n jweI myitAw jo iliKAw so nwil ]
hukam n jaaee maettiaa jo likhiaa so naal ||
The Hukam of His Command cannot be erased; whatever He has written, shall go with the mortal.
kauxu mUAw kauxu mwrsI kauxu AwvY kauxu jwie ]
koun mooaa koun maarasee koun aavai koun jaae ||
Who has died, and who kills? Who comes and who goes?
kauxu rhsI nwnkw iks kI suriq smwie ]1]
koun rehasee naanakaa kis kee surath samaae ||1||
Who is enraptured, O Nanak, and whose consciousness merges in the Lord? ||1||