gauVI ]
gourree ||
pwpu puMnu duie bYl ibswhy pvnu pUjI prgwisE ]
aucwrx pUjI: it`pI rihq bolo
paap punn dhue bail bisaahae pavan poojee paragaasiou ||
With both sin and virtue, the ox of the body is purchased; the air of the breath is the capital which has appeared.
iqRsnw gUix BrI Gt BIqir ien ibiD tWf ibswihE ]1]
thrisanaa goon bharee ghatt bheethar ein bidhh ttaandd bisaahiou ||1||
The bag on its back is filled with desire; this is how we purchase the herd. ||1||
AYsw nwieku rwmu hmwrw ]
aisaa naaeik raam hamaaraa ||
My Lord is such a wealthy merchant!
sgl sMswru kIE bnjwrw ]1] rhwau ]
sagal sansaar keeou banajaaraa ||1|| rehaao ||
He has made the whole world his peddler. ||1||Pause||
kwmu kRoDu duie Bey jgwqI mn qrµg btvwrw ]
kaam krodhh dhue bheae jagaathee man tharang battavaaraa ||
Sexual desire and anger are the tax-collectors, and the waves of the mind are the highway robbers.
pMc qqu imil dwnu inbyrih tWfw auqirE pwrw ]2]
panch thath mil dhaan nibaerehi ttaanddaa outhariou paaraa ||2||
The five elements join together and divide up their loot. This is how our herd is disposed of! ||2||
khq kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu Ab AYsI binAweI ]
kehath kabeer sunahu rae santhahu ab aisee ban aaee ||
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints: This is the state of affairs now!
GwtI cFq bYlu ieku Qwkw clo goin iCtkweI ]3]5]49]
ghaattee chadtath bail eik thhaakaa chalo gon shhittakaaee ||3||5||49||
Going uphill, the ox has grown weary; throwing off his load, he continues on his journey. ||3||5||49||