SGGSAng 333Raag GauriKabir Ji13 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

gauVI pMcpdw ]

aucwrx gauVI pMc-pdw

gourree panchapadhaa ||

Gauree, Panch-Padas:

pyvkVY idn cwir hY swhurVY jwxw ]

aucwrx pyv-kVY

paevakarrai dhin chaar hai saahurarrai jaanaa ||

For a few short days the soul-bride stays in her parent's house; then she must go to her in-laws.

AMDw loku n jwxeI mUrKu eyAwxw ]1]

andhhaa lok n jaanee moorakh eaeaanaa ||1||

The blind, foolish and ignorant people do not know this. ||1||

khu ffIAw bwDY Dn KVI ]

kahu ddaddeeaa baadhhai dhhan kharree ||

Tell me, why is the bride wearing her ordinary clothes?

pwhU Gir Awey muklwaU Awey ]1] rhwau ]

paahoo ghar aaeae mukalaaoo aaeae ||1|| rehaao ||

The guests have arrived at her home, and her Husband has come to take her away. ||1||Pause||

Eh ij idsY KUhVI kaun lwju vhwrI ]

ouh j dhisai khooharree koun laaj vehaaree ||

Who has lowered the rope of the breath down, into the well of the world which we see?

lwju GVI isau qUit pVI auiT clI pinhwrI ]2]

aucwrx pVI: polw bolo; c`lI

laaj gharree sio thoott parree outh chalee panihaaree ||2||

The rope of the breath breaks away from the pitcher of the body, and the water-carrier gets up and departs. ||2||

swihbu hoie dieAwlu ikRpw kry Apunw kwrju svwry ]

saahib hoe dhaeiaal kirapaa karae apunaa kaaraj savaarae ||

When the Lord and Master is kind and grants His Grace, then her affairs are all resolved.

qw sohwgix jwxIAY gur sbdu bIcwry ]3]

thaa sohaagan jaaneeai gur sabadh beechaarae ||3||

Then she is known as the happy soul-bride, if she contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||3||

ikrq kI bWDI sB iPrY dyKhu bIcwrI ]

kirath kee baandhhee sabh firai dhaekhahu beechaaree ||

Bound by the actions she has committed, she wanders around - see this and understand.

eys no ikAw AwKIAY ikAw kry ivcwrI ]4]

eaes no kiaa aakheeai kiaa karae vichaaree ||4||

What can we say to her? What can the poor soul-bride do? ||4||

BeI inrwsI auiT clI icq bµiD n DIrw ]

aucwrx c`lI

bhee niraasee outh chalee chith bandhh n dhheeraa ||

Disappointed and hopeless, she gets up and departs. There is no support or encouragement in her consciousness.

hir kI crxI lwig rhu Bju srix kbIrw ]5]6]50]

aucwrx B`ju

har kee charanee laag rahu bhaj saran kabeeraa ||5||6||50||

So remain attached to the Lord's Lotus Feet, and hurry to His Sanctuary, Kabeer! ||5||6||50||