iblwvlu ]
bilaaval ||
crn kml jw kY irdY bsih so jnu ikau folY dyv ]
charan kamal jaa kai ridhai basehi so jan kio ddolai dhaev ||
When Your Lotus Feet dwell within one's heart, why should that person waver, O Divine Lord?
mwnO sB suK nauiniD qw kY shij shij jsu bolY dyv ] rhwau ]
aucwrx nau-in`iD
maana sabh sukh no nidhh thaa kai sehaj sehaj jas bolai dhaev || rehaao ||
I know that all comforts, and the nine treasures, come to one who intuitively, naturally, chants the Praise of the Divine Lord. ||Pause||
qb ieh miq jau sB mih pyKY kuitl gWiT jb KolY dyv ]
aucwrx m`iq
thab eih math jo sabh mehi paekhai kuttil gaanth jab kholai dhaev ||
Such wisdom comes, only when one sees the Lord in all, and unties the knot of hypocrisy.
bwrµ bwr mwieAw qy AtkY lY nrjw mnu qolY dyv ]1]
aucwrx At-kY: polw bolo; nrjw: polw bolo (ASuD: n r`jw)
baaran baar maaeiaa thae attakai lai narajaa man tholai dhaev ||1||
Time and time again, he must hold himself back from Maya; let him take the scale of the Lord, and weigh his mind. ||1||
jh auhu jwie qhI suKu pwvY mwieAw qwsu n JolY dyv ]
jeh ouhu jaae thehee sukh paavai maaeiaa thaas n jholai dhaev ||
Then wherever he goes, he will find peace, and Maya will not shake him.
kih kbIr myrw mnu mwinAw rwm pRIiq kIE lY dyv ]2]12]
aucwrx kIE lY: v`Krw krky (ASuD: kI ElY)
kehi kabeer maeraa man maaniaa raam preeth keeou lai dhaev ||2||12||
Says Kabeer, my mind believes in the Lord; I am absorbed in the Love of the Divine Lord. ||2||12||