SGGSAng 857Raag BilavalKabir Jio Ki9 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

iblwvlu ]

bilaaval ||


jnm mrn kw BRmu gieAw goibd ilv lwgI ]

janam maran kaa bhram gaeiaa gobidh liv laagee ||

The illusion of birth and death is gone; I lovingly focus on the Lord of the Universe.

jIvq suµin smwinAw gur swKI jwgI ]1] rhwau ]

jeevath sunn samaaniaa gur saakhee jaagee ||1|| rehaao ||

In my life, I am absorbed in deep silent meditation; the Guru's Teachings have awakened me. ||1||Pause||

kwsI qy Duin aUpjY Duin kwsI jweI ]

kaasee thae dhhun oopajai dhhun kaasee jaaee ||

The sound made from bronze, that sound goes into the bronze again.

kwsI PUtI pMifqw Duin khW smweI ]1]

kaasee foottee panddithaa dhhun kehaan samaaee ||1||

But when the bronze is broken, O Pandit, O religious scholar, where does the sound go then? ||1||

iqRkutI sµiD mY pyiKAw Gt hU Gt jwgI ]

aucwrx iqR-kutI: polw bolo (ASuD: iqRku`tI)

thrikuttee sandhh mai paekhiaa ghatt hoo ghatt jaagee ||

I gaze upon the world, the confluence of the three qualities; God is awake and aware in each and every heart.

AYsI buiD smwcrI Gt mwih iqAwgI ]2]

aucwrx s-mwcrI: Bwrw krky bolo

aisee budhh samaacharee ghatt maahi thiaagee ||2||

Such is the understanding revealed to me; within my heart, I have become a detached renunciate. ||2||

Awpu Awp qy jwinAw qyj qyju smwnw ]

aap aap thae jaaniaa thaej thaej samaanaa ||

I have come to know my own self, and my light has merged in the Light.

khu kbIr Ab jwinAw goibd mnu mwnw ]3]11]

kahu kabeer ab jaaniaa gobidh man maanaa ||3||11||

Says Kabeer, now I know the Lord of the Universe, and my mind is satisfied. ||3||11||