mwrU mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw
maaroo mehalaa 5 ||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
mohnI moih lIey qRY gunIAw ]
mohanee mohi leeeae thrai guneeaa ||
Maya, the enticer, has enticed the world of the three gunas, the three qualities.
loiB ivAwpI JUTI dunIAw ]
lobh viaapee jhoothee dhuneeaa ||
The false world is engrossed in greed.
myrI myrI kir kY sµcI AMq kI bwr sgl ly ClIAw ]1]
maeree maeree kar kai sanchee anth kee baar sagal lae shhaleeaa ||1||
Crying out, “Mine, mine!” they collect possessions, but in the end, they are all deceived. ||1||
inrBau inrµkwru dieAlIAw ]
aucwrx die-AlIAw
nirabho nirankaar dhaeialeeaa ||
The Lord is fearless, formless and merciful.
jIA jµq sgly pRiqplIAw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx pRiq-plIAw: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo
jeea janth sagalae prathipaleeaa ||1|| rehaao ||
He is the Cherisher of all beings and creatures. ||1||Pause||
eykY sRmu kir gwfI gf hY ]
eaekai sram kar gaaddee gaddehai ||
Some collect wealth, and bury it in the ground.
eykih supnY dwmu n Cf hY ]
eaekehi supanai dhaam n shhaddehai ||
Some cannot abandon wealth, even in their dreams.
rwju kmwie krI ijin QYlI qw kY sµig n cµcil clIAw ]2]
raaj kamaae karee jin thhailee thaa kai sang n chanchal chaleeaa ||2||
The king exercises his power, and fills his money-bags, but this fickle companion will not go along with him. ||2||
eykih pRwx ipMf qy ipAwrI ]
eaekehi praan pindd thae piaaree ||
Some love this wealth even more than their body and breath of life.
eyk sµcI qij bwp mhqwrI ]
eaek sanchee thaj baap mehathaaree ||
Some collect it, forsaking their fathers and mothers.
suq mIq BRwq qy guhjI qw kY inkit n hoeI KlIAw ]3]
aucwrx guh-jI; KlIAw: polw bolo
suth meeth bhraath thae guhajee thaa kai nikatt n hoee khaleeaa ||3||
Some hide it from their children, friends and siblings, but it will not remain with them. ||3||
hoie AauDUq bYTy lwie qwrI ]
hoe aoudhhooth baithae laae thaaree ||
Some become hermits, and sit in meditative trances.
jogI jqI pMifq bIcwrI ]
aucwrx jqI: polw bolo
jogee jathee panddith beechaaree ||
Some are Yogis, celibates, religious scholars and thinkers.
igRih mVI mswxI bn mih bsqy aUiT iqnw kY lwgI plIAw ]4]
grihi marree masaanee ban mehi basathae ooth thinaa kai laagee paleeaa ||4||
Some dwell in homes, graveyards, cremation grounds and forests; but Maya still clings to them there. ||4||
kwty bµDn Twkuir jw ky ]
kaattae bandhhan thaakur jaa kae ||
When the Lord and Master releases one from his bonds,
hir hir nwmu bisE jIA qw kY ]
har har naam basiou jeea thaa kai ||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, comes to dwell in his soul.
swDsµig Bey jn mukqy giq pweI nwnk ndir inhlIAw ]5]2]18]
aucwrx in-hlIAw: polw bolo
saadhhasang bheae jan mukathae gath paaee naanak nadhar nihaleeaa ||5||2||18||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, His humble servants are liberated; O Nanak, they are redeemed and enraptured by the Lord's Glance of Grace. ||5||2||18||