mwrU mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw
maaroo mehalaa 5 ||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl:
ismrhu eyku inrµjn soaU ]
simarahu eaek niranjan sooo ||
Meditate in remembrance on the One Immaculate Lord.
jw qy ibrQw jwq n koaU ]
jaa thae birathhaa jaath n kooo ||
No one is turned away from Him empty-handed.
mwq grB mih ijin pRiqpwirAw ]
aucwrx pRiq-pwirAw: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo
maath garabh mehi jin prathipaariaa ||
He cherished and preserved you in your mother's womb;
jIau ipMfu dy swij svwirAw ]
jeeo pindd dhae saaj savaariaa ||
He blessed you with body and soul, and embellished you.
soeI ibDwqw iKnu iKnu jpIAY ]
soee bidhhaathaa khin khin japeeai ||
Each and every instant, meditate on that Creator Lord.
ijsu ismrq Avgux siB FkIAY ]
jis simarath avagun sabh dtakeeai ||
Meditating in remembrance on Him, all faults and mistakes are covered.
crx kml aur AMqir Dwrhu ]
charan kamal our anthar dhhaarahu ||
Enshrine the Lord's lotus feet deep within the nucleus of your self.
ibiKAw bn qy jIau auDwrhu ]
bikhiaa ban thae jeeo oudhhaarahu ||
Save your soul from the waters of corruption.
krx plwh imtih ibllwtw ]
karan palaah mittehi bilalaattaa ||
Your cries and shrieks shall be ended;
jip goivd Brmu Bau Pwtw ]
jap govidh bharam bho faattaa ||
Meditating on the Lord of the Universe, your doubts and fears shall be dispelled.
swDsµig ivrlw ko pwey ]
saadhhasang viralaa ko paaeae ||
Rare is that being, who finds the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
nwnku qw kY bil bil jwey ]1]
naanak thaa kai bal bal jaaeae ||1||
Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to Him. ||1||
rwm nwmu min qin AwDwrw ]
raam naam man than aadhhaaraa ||
The Lord's Name is the support of my mind and body.
jo ismrY iqs kw insqwrw ]1] rhwau ]
jo simarai this kaa nisathaaraa ||1|| rehaao ||
Whoever meditates on Him is emancipated. ||1||Pause||
imiQAw vsqu siq kir mwnI ]
mithhiaa vasath sath kar maanee ||
He believes that the false thing is true.
ihqu lwieE sT mUV AigAwnI ]
aucwrx sT: polw bolo (ArQ: mUrK)
hith laaeiou sath moorr agiaanee ||
The ignorant fool falls in love with it.
kwm kRoD loB md mwqw ]
aucwrx mwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
kaam krodhh lobh madh maathaa ||
He is intoxicated with the wine of sexual desire, anger and greed;
kaufI bdlY jnmu gvwqw ]
aucwrx gvwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
kouddee badhalai janam gavaathaa ||
He loses this human life in exchance for a mere shell.
Apnw Coif prwieAY rwqw ]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
apanaa shhodd paraaeiai raathaa ||
He abandons his own, and loves that of others.
mwieAw md mn qn sµig jwqw ]
aucwrx jwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
maaeiaa madh man than sang jaathaa ||
His mind and body are permeated with the intoxication of Maya.
iqRsn n bUJY krq klolw ]
aucwrx bUJY: polw bolo
thrisan n boojhai karath kalolaa ||
His thirsty desires are not quenched, although he indulges in pleasures.
aUxI Aws imiQAw siB bolw ]
oonee aas mithhiaa sabh bolaa ||
His hopes are not fulfilled, and all his words are false.
Awvq iekylw jwq iekylw ]
aavath eikaelaa jaath eikaelaa ||
He comes alone, and he goes alone.
hm qum sµig JUTy siB bolw ]
ham thum sang jhoothae sabh bolaa ||
False is all his talk of me and you.
pwie TgaurI Awip BulwieE ]
paae thagouree aap bhulaaeiou ||
The Lord Himself administers the poisonous potion, to mislead and delude.
nwnk ikrqu n jwie imtwieE ]2]
naanak kirath n jaae mittaaeiou ||2||
O Nanak, the the karma of past actions cannot be erased. ||2||
psu pMKI BUq Aru pRyqw ]
pas pankhee bhooth ar praethaa ||
Beasts, birds, demons and ghosts
bhu ibiD jonI iPrq Anyqw ]
bahu bidhh jonee firath anaethaa ||
- in these many ways, the false wander in reincarnation.
jh jwno qh rhnu n pwvY ]
jeh jaano theh rehan n paavai ||
Wherever they go, they cannot remain there.
Qwn ibhUn auiT auiT iPir DwvY ]
thhaan bihoon outh outh fir dhhaavai ||
They have no place of rest; they rise up again and again and run around.
min qin bwsnw bhuqu ibsQwrw ]
man than baasanaa bahuth bisathhaaraa ||
Their minds and bodies are filled with immense, expansive desires.
Ahµmyv mUTo bycwrw ]
ahanmaev mootho baechaaraa ||
The poor wretches are cheated by egotism.
Aink doK Aru bhuqu sjweI ]
anik dhokh ar bahuth sajaaee ||
They are filled with countless sins, and are severely punished.
qw kI kImiq khxu n jweI ]
thaa kee keemath kehan n jaaee ||
The extent of this cannot be estimated.
pRB ibsrq nrk mih pwieAw ]
prabh bisarath narak mehi paaeiaa ||
Forgetting God, they fall into hell.
qh mwq n bMDu n mIq n jwieAw ]
theh maath n bandhh n meeth n jaaeiaa ||
There are no mothers there, no siblings, no friends and no spouses.
ijs kau hoq ikRpwl suAwmI ]
jis ko hoth kirapaal suaamee ||
Those humble beings, unto whom the Lord and Master becomes Merciful,
so jnu nwnk pwrgrwmI ]3]
so jan naanak paaragaraamee ||3||
O Nanak, cross over. ||3||
BRmq BRmq pRB srnI AwieAw ]
bhramath bhramath prabh saranee aaeiaa ||
Rambling and roaming, wandering around, I came to seek the Sanctuary of God.
dInw nwQ jgq ipq mwieAw ]
dheenaa naathh jagath pith maaeiaa ||
He is the Master of the meek, the father and mother of the world.
pRB dieAwl duK drd ibdwrx ]
prabh dhaeiaal dhukh dharadh bidhaaran ||
The Merciful Lord God is the Destroyer of sorrow and suffering.
ijsu BwvY iqshI insqwrx ]
jis bhaavai this hee nisathaaran ||
He emancipates whoever He pleases.
AMD kUp qy kwFnhwrw ]
andhh koop thae kaadtanehaaraa ||
He lifts them up and pulls him out of the deep dark pit.
pRym Bgiq hovq insqwrw ]
praem bhagath hovath nisathaaraa ||
Emancipation comes through loving devotional worship.
swD rUp Apnw qnu DwirAw ]
saadhh roop apanaa than dhhaariaa ||
The Holy Saint is the very embodiment of the Lord's form.
mhw Agin qy Awip aubwirAw ]
mehaa agan thae aap oubaariaa ||
He Himself saves us from the great fire.
jp qp sMjm ies qy ikCu nwhI ]
jap thap sanjam eis thae kishh naahee ||
By myself, I cannot practice meditation, austerities, penance and self-discipline.
Awid AMiq pRB Agm AgwhI ]
aadh anth prabh agam agaahee ||
In the beginning and in the end, God is inaccessible and unfathomable.
nwmu dyih mwgY dwsu qyrw ]
naam dhaehi maagai dhaas thaeraa ||
Please bless me with Your Name, Lord; Your slave begs only for this.
hir jIvn pdu nwnk pRBu myrw ]4]3]19]
har jeevan padh naanak prabh maeraa ||4||3||19||
O Nanak, my Lord God is the Giver of the true state of life. ||4||3||19||