SGGSAng 432Raag AsaMahalla 174 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

rwgu Awsw mhlw 1 ptI ilKI

aucwrx rwgu Awsw mh`lw pihlw p`tI ilKI

raag aasaa mehalaa 1 pattee likhee

Raag Aasaa, First Mehl, Patee Likhee ~ The Poem Of The Alphabet:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

ssY soie isRsit ijin swjI sBnw swihbu eyku BieAw ]

sasai soe srisatt jin saajee sabhanaa saahib eaek bhaeiaa ||

Sassa: He who created the world, is the One Lord and Master of all.

syvq rhy icqu ijn@ kw lwgw AwieAw iqn@ kw sPlu BieAw ]1]

saevath rehae chith jinh kaa laagaa aaeiaa thinh kaa safal bhaeiaa ||1||

Those whose consciousness remains committed to His Service - blessed is their birth and their coming into the world. ||1||

mn kwhy BUly mUV mnw ]

man kaahae bhoolae moorr manaa ||

O mind, why forget Him? You foolish mind!

jb lyKw dyvih bIrw qau piVAw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx piVAw: Bwrw krky

jab laekhaa dhaevehi beeraa tho parriaa ||1|| rehaao ||

When your account is adjusted, O brother, only then shall you be judged wise. ||1||Pause||

eIvVI Awid purKu hY dwqw Awpy scw soeI ]

eevarree aadh purakh hai dhaathaa aapae sachaa soee ||

Eevree: The Primal Lord is the Giver; He alone is True.

eyn@w AKrw mih jo gurmuiK bUJY iqsu isir lyKu n hoeI ]2]

aucwrx bU`JY

eaenaa akharaa mehi jo guramukh boojhai this sir laekh n hoee ||2||

No accounting is due from the Gurmukh who understands the Lord through these letters. ||2||

aUVY aupmw qw kI kIjY jw kw AMqu n pwieAw ]

oorrai oupamaa thaa kee keejai jaa kaa anth n paaeiaa ||

Ooraa: Sing the Praises of the One whose limit cannot be found.

syvw krih syeI Plu pwvih ijn@I scu kmwieAw ]3]

saevaa karehi saeee fal paavehi jinhee sach kamaaeiaa ||3||

Those who perform service and practice truth, obtain the fruits of their rewards. ||3||

|µ|Y i|Awnu bUJY jy koeI piVAw pMifqu soeI ]

aucwrx bU`JY

n(g)ann(g)ai n(g)iaan boojhai jae koee parriaa panddith soee ||

Nganga: One who understands spiritual wisdom becomes a Pandit, a religious scholar.

srb jIAw mih eyko jwxY qw haumY khY n koeI ]4]

sarab jeeaa mehi eaeko jaanai thaa houmai kehai n koee ||4||

One who recognizes the One Lord among all beings does not talk of ego. ||4||

kkY kys puMfr jb hUey ivxu swbUxY aujilAw ]

aucwrx au~jilAw

kakai kaes punddar jab hooeae vin saaboonai oujaliaa ||

Kakka: When the hair grows grey, then it shines without shampoo.

jm rwjy ky hyrU Awey mwieAw kY sµgil bµiD lieAw ]5]

jam raajae kae haeroo aaeae maaeiaa kai sangal bandhh laeiaa ||5||

The hunters of the King of Death come, and bind him in the chains of Maya. ||5||

KKY KuMdkwru swh Awlmu kir KrIid ijin Krcu dIAw ]

khakhai khundhakaar saah aalam kar khareedh jin kharach dheeaa ||

Khakha: The Creator is the King of the world; He enslaves by giving nourishment.

bMDin jw kY sBu jgu bwiDAw AvrI kw nhI hukmu pieAw ]6]

bandhhan jaa kai sabh jag baadhhiaa avaree kaa nehee hukam paeiaa ||6||

By His Binding, all the world is bound; no other Command prevails. ||6||

ggY goie gwie ijin CofI glI goibdu grib BieAw ]

aucwrx g`lI

gagai goe gaae jin shhoddee galee gobidh garab bhaeiaa ||

Gagga: One who renounces the singing of the songs of the Lord of the Universe, becomes arrogant in his speech.

GiV BWfy ijin AwvI swjI cwVx vwhY qeI kIAw ]7]

gharr bhaanddae jin aavee saajee chaarran vaahai thee keeaa ||7||

One who has shaped the pots, and made the world the kiln, decides when to put them in it. ||7||

GGY Gwl syvku jy GwlY sbid gurU kY lwig rhY ]

ghaghai ghaal saevak jae ghaalai sabadh guroo kai laag rehai ||

Ghagha: The servant who performs service, remains attached to the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

burw Blw jy sm kir jwxY ien ibiD swihbu rmqu rhY ]8]

buraa bhalaa jae sam kar jaanai ein bidhh saahib ramath rehai ||8||

One who recognizes bad and good as one and the same - in this way he is absorbed into the Lord and Master. ||8||

ccY cwir vyd ijin swjy cwry KwxI cwir jugw ]

chachai chaar vaedh jin saajae chaarae khaanee chaar jugaa ||

Chacha: He created the four Vedas, the four sources of creation, and the four ages

jugu jugu jogI KwxI BogI piVAw pMifqu Awip QIAw ]9]

jug jug jogee khaanee bhogee parriaa panddith aap thheeaa ||9||

- through each and every age, He Himself has been the Yogi, the enjoyer, the Pandit and the scholar. ||9||

CCY CwieAw vrqI sB AMqir qyrw kIAw Brmu hoAw ]

shhashhai shhaaeiaa varathee sabh anthar thaeraa keeaa bharam hoaa ||

Chhachha: Ignorance exists within everyone; doubt is Your doing, O Lord.

Brmu aupwie BulweIAnu Awpy qyrw krmu hoAw iqn@ gurU imilAw ]10]

bharam oupaae bhulaaeean aapae thaeraa karam hoaa thinh guroo miliaa ||10||

Having created doubt, You Yourself cause them to wander in delusion; those whom You bless with Your Mercy meet with the Guru. ||10||

jjY jwnu mMgq jnu jwcY lK caurwsIh BIK BivAw ]

jajai jaan mangath jan jaachai lakh chouraaseeh bheekh bhaviaa ||

Jajja: That humble being who begs for wisdom has wandered begging through 8.4 million incarnations.

eyko lyvY eyko dyvY Avru n dUjw mY suixAw ]11]

eaeko laevai eaeko dhaevai avar n dhoojaa mai suniaa ||11||

The One Lord takes away, and the One Lord gives; I have not heard of any other. ||11||

JJY JUir mrhu ikAw pRwxI jo ikCu dyxw su dy rihAw ]

jhajhai jhoor marahu kiaa praanee jo kishh dhaenaa s dhae rehiaa ||

Jhajha: O mortal being, why are you dying of anxiety? Whatever the Lord is to give, He shall keep on giving.

dy dy vyKY hukmu clwey ijau jIAw kw irjku pieAw ]12]

dhae dhae vaekhai hukam chalaaeae jio jeeaa kaa rijak paeiaa ||12||

He gives, and gives, and watches over us; according to the Orders which He issues, His beings receive nourishment. ||12||

\µ\Y ndir kry jw dyKw dUjw koeI nwhI ]

njannjai nadhar karae jaa dhaekhaa dhoojaa koee naahee ||

Nyanya: When the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, then I do not behold any other.

eyko riv rihAw sB QweI eyku visAw mn mwhI ]13]

eaeko rav rehiaa sabh thhaaee eaek vasiaa man maahee ||13||

The One Lord is totally pervading everywhere; the One Lord abides within the mind. ||13||

ttY tMcu krhu ikAw pRwxI GVI ik muhiq ik auiT clxw ]

aucwrx ttY: QoVw Bwrw krky

ttattai ttanch karahu kiaa praanee gharree k muhath k outh chalanaa ||

Tatta: Why do you practice hypocrisy, O mortal? In a moment, in an instant, you shall have to get up and depart.

jUAY jnmu n hwrhu Apxw Bwij pVhu qum hir srxw ]14]

jooai janam n haarahu apanaa bhaaj parrahu thum har saranaa ||14||

Don't lose your life in the gamble - hurry to the Lord's Sanctuary. ||14||

TTY TwiF vrqI iqn AMqir hir crxI ijn kw icqu lwgw ]

thathai thaadt varathee thin anthar har charanee jinh kaa chith laagaa ||

T'hat'ha: Peace pervades within those who link their consciousness to the Lord's Lotus Feet.

icqu lwgw syeI jn insqry qau prswdI suKu pwieAw ]15]

chith laagaa saeee jan nisatharae tho parasaadhee sukh paaeiaa ||15||

Those humble beings, whose consciousness is so linked, are saved; by Your Grace, they obtain peace. ||15||

ffY fMPu krhu ikAw pRwxI jo ikCu hoAw su sBu clxw ]

ddaddai ddanf karahu kiaa praanee jo kishh hoaa s sabh chalanaa ||

Dadda: Why do you make such ostentatious shows, O mortal? Whatever exists, shall all pass away.

iqsY sryvhu qw suKu pwvhu srb inrµqir riv rihAw ]16]

aucwrx s-ryvhu

thisai saraevahu thaa sukh paavahu sarab niranthar rav rehiaa ||16||

So serve Him, who is contained and pervading among everyone, and you shall obtain peace. ||16||

FFY Fwih auswrY Awpy ijau iqsu BwvY iqvY kry ]

dtadtai dtaahi ousaarai aapae jio this bhaavai thivai karae ||

Dhadha: He Himself establishes and disestablishes; as it pleases His Will, so does He act.

kir kir vyKY hukmu clwey iqsu insqwry jw kau ndir kry ]17]

kar kar vaekhai hukam chalaaeae this nisathaarae jaa ko nadhar karae ||17||

Having created the creation, He watches over it; He issues His Commands, and emancipates those, upon whom He casts His Glance of Grace. ||17||

xwxY rvqu rhY Gt AMqir hir gux gwvY soeI ]

naanai ravath rehai ghatt anthar har gun gaavai soee ||

Nanna: One whose heart is filled with the Lord, sings His Glorious Praises.

Awpy Awip imlwey krqw punrip jnmu n hoeI ]18]

aapae aap milaaeae karathaa punarap janam n hoee ||18||

One whom the Creator Lord unites with Himself, is not consigned to reincarnation. ||18||

qqY qwrU Bvjlu hoAw qw kw AMqu n pwieAw ]

thathai thaaroo bhavajal hoaa thaa kaa anth n paaeiaa ||

Tatta: The terrible world-ocean is so very deep; its limits cannot be found.

nw qr nw qulhw hm bUfis qwir lyih qwrx rwieAw ]19]

naa thar naa thulehaa ham booddas thaar laehi thaaran raaeiaa ||19||

I do not have a boat, or even a raft; I am drowning - save me, O Savior King! ||19||

QQY Qwin Qwnµqir soeI jw kw kIAw sBu hoAw ]

thhathhai thhaan thhaananthar soee jaa kaa keeaa sabh hoaa ||

T'hat'ha: In all places and interspaces, He is; everything which exists, is by His doing.

ikAw Brmu ikAw mwieAw khIAY jo iqsu BwvY soeI Blw ]20]

kiaa bharam kiaa maaeiaa keheeai jo this bhaavai soee bhalaa ||20||

What is doubt? What is called Maya? Whatever pleases Him is good. ||20||

ddY dosu n dyaU iksY dosu krµmw AwpixAw ]

dhadhai dhos n dhaeoo kisai dhos karanmaa aapaniaa ||

Dadda: Do not blame anyone else; blame instead your own actions.

jo mY kIAw so mY pwieAw dosu n dIjY Avr jnw ]21]

jo mai keeaa so mai paaeiaa dhos n dheejai avar janaa ||21||

Whatever I did, for that I have suffered; I do not blame anyone else. ||21||

DDY Dwir klw ijin CofI hir cIjI ijin rMg kIAw ]

dhhadhhai dhhaar kalaa jin shhoddee har cheejee jin rang keeaa ||

Dhadha: His power established and upholds the earth; the Lord has imparted His color to everything.

iqsdw dIAw sBnI lIAw krmI krmI hukmu pieAw ]22]

this dhaa dheeaa sabhanee leeaa karamee karamee hukam paeiaa ||22||

His gifts are received by everyone; all act according to His Command. ||22||

nµnY nwh Bog inq BogY nw fITw nw sµmHilAw ]

aucwrx sµmH-ilAw

nannai naah bhog nith bhogai naa ddeethaa naa sanmhaliaa ||

Nanna: The Husband Lord enjoys eternal pleasures, but He is not seen or understood.

glI hau sohwgix BYxy kMqu n kbhUµ mYN imilAw ]23]

galee ho sohaagan bhainae kanth n kabehoon mai miliaa ||23||

I am called the happy soul-bride, O sister, but my Husband Lord has never met me. ||23||

ppY pwiqswhu prmysru vyKx kau prpMcu kIAw ]

papai paathisaahu paramaesar vaekhan ko parapanch keeaa ||

Pappa: The Supreme King, the Transcendent Lord, created the world, and watches over it.

dyKY bUJY sBu ikCu jwxY AMqir bwhir riv rihAw ]24]

aucwrx bU`JY

dhaekhai boojhai sabh kishh jaanai anthar baahar rav rehiaa ||24||

He sees and understands, and knows everything; inwardly and outwardly, he is fully pervading. ||24||

PPY PwhI sBu jgu Pwsw jm kY sµgil bµiD lieAw ]

fafai faahee sabh jag faasaa jam kai sangal bandhh laeiaa ||

Faffa: The whole world is caught in the noose of Death, and all are bound by its chains.

gurprswdI sy nr aubry ij hir srxwgiq Bij pieAw ]25]

aucwrx srxw-giq; B`ij

gur parasaadhee sae nar oubarae j har saranaagath bhaj paeiaa ||25||

By Guru's Grace, they alone are saved, who hurry to enter the Lord's Sanctuary. ||25||

bbY bwjI Kylx lwgw caupiV kIqy cwir jugw ]

babai baajee khaelan laagaa chouparr keethae chaar jugaa ||

Babba: He set out to play the game, on the chess-board of the four ages.

jIA jµq sB swrI kIqy pwsw Fwlix Awip lgw ]26]

aucwrx l`gw

jeea janth sabh saaree keethae paasaa dtaalan aap lagaa ||26||

He made all beings and creatures his chessmen, and He Himself threw the dice. ||26||

BBY Bwlih sy Plu pwvih gurprswdI ijn kau Bau pieAw ]

bhabhai bhaalehi sae fal paavehi gur parasaadhee jinh ko bho paeiaa ||

Bhabha: Those who search, find the fruits of their rewards; by Guru's Grace, they live in the Fear of God.

mnmuK iPrih n cyqih mUVy lK caurwsIh Pyru pieAw ]27]

manamukh firehi n chaethehi moorrae lakh chouraaseeh faer paeiaa ||27||

The self-willed manmukhs wander around, and they do not remember the Lord; the fools are consigned to the cycle of 8.4 million incarnations. ||27||

mMmY mohu mrxu mDusUdnu mrxu BieAw qb cyqivAw ]

manmai mohu maran madhhusoodhan maran bhaeiaa thab chaethaviaa ||

Mamma: In emotional attachment, he dies; he only thinks of the Lord, the Love of Nectar, when he dies.

kwieAw BIqir Avro piVAw mMmw AKru vIsirAw ]28]

aucwrx kWieAW; piVAw: Bwrw krky

kaaeiaa bheethar avaro parriaa manmaa akhar veesariaa ||28||

As long as the body is alive, he reads other things, and forgets the letter 'm', which stands for marnaa - death. ||28||

XXY jnmu n hovI kd hI jy kir scu pCwxY ]

aucwrx XXY: XeIAY bolo, pihly 'X' dI ApnI Avwj

yayai janam n hovee kadh hee jae kar sach pashhaanai ||

Yaya: He is never reincarnated again, if he recognizes the True Lord.

gurmuiK AwKY gurmuiK bUJY gurmuiK eyko jwxY ]29]

aucwrx bU`JY

guramukh aakhai guramukh boojhai guramukh eaeko jaanai ||29||

The Gurmukh speaks, the Gurmukh understands, and the Gurmukh knows only the One Lord. ||29||

rwrY riv rihAw sB AMqir jyqy kIey jµqw ]

raarai rav rehiaa sabh anthar jaethae keeeae janthaa ||

Rarra: The Lord is contained among all; He created all beings.

jµq aupwie DMDY sB lwey krmu hoAw iqn nwmu lieAw ]30]

janth oupaae dhhandhhai sabh laaeae karam hoaa thin naam laeiaa ||30||

Having created His beings, He has put them all to work; they alone remember the Naam, upon whom He bestows His Grace. ||30||

llY lwie DMDY ijin CofI mITw mwieAw mohu kIAw ]

lalai laae dhhandhhai jin shhoddee meethaa maaeiaa mohu keeaa ||

Lalla: He has assigned people to their tasks, and made the love of Maya seem sweet to them.

Kwxw pIxw sm kir shxw BwxY qw kY hukmu pieAw ]31]

khaanaa peenaa sam kar sehanaa bhaanai thaa kai hukam paeiaa ||31||

We eat and drink; we should endure equally whatever occurs, by His Will, by His Command. ||31||

vvY vwsudyau prmysru vyKx kau ijin vysu kIAw ]

aucwrx vvY: polw bolo (ASuD: v`vw jW vwvw)

vavai vaasudhaeo paramaesar vaekhan ko jin vaes keeaa ||

Wawa: The all-pervading Transcendent Lord beholds the world; He created the form it wears.

vyKY cwKY sBu ikCu jwxY AMqir bwhir riv rihAw ]32]

vaekhai chaakhai sabh kishh jaanai anthar baahar rav rehiaa ||32||

He beholds, tastes, and knows everything; He is pervading and permeating inwardly and outwardly. ||32||

VwVY rwiV krih ikAw pRwxI iqsih iDAwvhu ij Amru hoAw ]

rraarrai raarr karehi kiaa praanee thisehi dhhiaavahu j amar hoaa ||

Rarra: Why do you quarrel, O mortal? Meditate on the Imperishable Lord,

iqsih iDAwvhu sic smwvhu Esu ivthu kurbwxu kIAw ]33]

thisehi dhhiaavahu sach samaavahu ous vittahu kurabaan keeaa ||33||

And be absorbed into the True One. Become a sacrifice to Him. ||33||

hwhY horu n koeI dwqw jIA aupwie ijin irjku dIAw ]

haahai hor n koee dhaathaa jeea oupaae jin rijak dheeaa ||

Haha: There is no other Giver than Him; having created the creatures, He gives them nourishment.

hir nwmu iDAwvhu hir nwim smwvhu Anidnu lwhw hir nwmu lIAw ]34]

har naam dhhiaavahu har naam samaavahu anadhin laahaa har naam leeaa ||34||

Meditate on the Lord's Name, be absorbed into the Lord's Name, and night and day, reap the Profit of the Lord's Name. ||34||

AwieVY Awip kry ijin CofI jo ikCu krxw su kir rihAw ]

aaeirrai aap karae jin shhoddee jo kishh karanaa s kar rehiaa ||

Airaa: He Himself created the world; whatever He has to do, He continues to do.

kry krwey sB ikCu jwxY nwnk swier iev kihAw ]35]1]

karae karaaeae sabh kishh jaanai naanak saaeir eiv kehiaa ||35||1||

He acts, and causes others to act, and He knows everything; so says Nanak, the poet. ||35||1||