Awsw mhlw 5 ibrhVy Gru 4 CMqw kI jiq
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw ibr-hVy Gru cauQw Cµqw kI jiq; jiq: polw bolo
aasaa mehalaa 5 bireharrae ghar 4 shhanthaa kee jathi
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Birharray ~ Songs Of Separation, To Be Sung In The Tune Of The Chhants. Fourth House:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
pwrbRhmu pRBu ismrIAY ipAwry drsn kau bil jwau ]1]
aucwrx pwr-bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
paarabreham prabh simareeai piaarae dharasan ko bal jaao ||1||
Remember the Supreme Lord God, O Beloved, and make yourself a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||1||
ijsu ismrq duK bIsrih ipAwry so ikau qjxw jwie ]2]
jis simarath dhukh beesarehi piaarae so kio thajanaa jaae ||2||
Remembering Him, sorrows are forgotten, O Beloved; how can one forsake Him? ||2||
iehu qnu vycI sMq pih ipAwry pRIqmu dyie imlwie ]3]
eihu than vaechee santh pehi piaarae preetham dhaee milaae ||3||
I would sell this body to the Saint, O Beloved, if he would lead me to my Dear Lord. ||3||
suK sIgwr ibiKAw ky PIky qij Cofy myrI mwie ]4]
sukh seegaar bikhiaa kae feekae thaj shhoddae maeree maae ||4||
The pleasures and adornments of corruption are insipid and useless; I have forsaken and abandoned them, O my Mother. ||4||
kwmu kRoDu loBu qij gey ipAwry siqgur crnI pwie ]5]
kaam krodhh lobh thaj geae piaarae sathigur charanee paae ||5||
Lust, anger and greed left me, O Beloved, when I fell at the Feet of the True Guru. ||5||
jo jn rwqy rwm isau ipAwry Anq n kwhU jwie ]6]
aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo
jo jan raathae raam sio piaarae anath n kaahoo jaae ||6||
Those humble beings who are imbued with the Lord, O Beloved, do not go anywhere else. ||6||
hir rsu ijn@I cwiKAw ipAwry iqRpiq rhy AwGwie ]7]
aucwrx AwGwie: 'g'-'G' dI swJI Avwj
har ras jinhee chaakhiaa piaarae thripath rehae aaghaae ||7||
Those who have tasted the Lord's sublime essence, O Beloved, remain satisfied and satiated. ||7||
AMclu gihAw swD kw nwnk BY swgru pwir prwie ]8]1]3]
anchal gehiaa saadhh kaa naanak bhai saagar paar paraae ||8||1||3||
One who grasps the Hem of the Gown of the Holy Saint, O Nanak, crosses over the terrible world-ocean. ||8||1||3||
jnm mrx duKu ktIAY ipAwry jb BytY hir rwie ]1]
janam maran dhukh katteeai piaarae jab bhaettai har raae ||1||
The pains of birth and death are removed, O Beloved, when the mortal meets with the Lord, the King. ||1||
suµdru suGru sujwxu pRBu myrw jIvnu drsu idKwie ]2]
sundhar sughar sujaan prabh maeraa jeevan dharas dhikhaae ||2||
God is so Beautiful, so Refined, so Wise - He is my very life! Reveal to me Your Darshan! ||2||
jo jIA quJ qy bICury ipAwry jnim mrih ibKu Kwie ]3]
jo jeea thujh thae beeshhurae piaarae janam marehi bikh khaae ||3||
Those beings who are separated from You, O Beloved, are born only to die; they eat the poison of corruption. ||3||
ijsu qUµ mylih so imlY ipAwry iqskY lwgau pwie ]4]
jis thoon maelehi so milai piaarae this kai laago paae ||4||
He alone meets You, whom You cause to meet, O Beloved; I fall at his feet. ||4||
jo suKu drsnu pyKqy ipAwry muK qy khxu n jwie ]5]
jo sukh dharasan paekhathae piaarae mukh thae kehan n jaae ||5||
That happiness which one receives by beholding Your Darshan, O Beloved, cannot be described in words. ||5||
swcI pRIiq n quteI ipAwry jugu jugu rhI smwie ]6]
saachee preeth n thuttee piaarae jug jug rehee samaae ||6||
True Love cannot be broken, O Beloved; throughout the ages, it remains. ||6||
jo quDu BwvY so Blw ipAwry qyrI Amru rjwie ]7]
aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo
jo thudhh bhaavai so bhalaa piaarae thaeree amar rajaae ||7||
Whatever pleases You is good, O Beloved; Your Will is Eternal. ||7||
nwnk rµig rqy nwrwiexY ipAwry mwqy shij suBwie ]8]2]4]
aucwrx r`qy; mwqy: Bwrw krky bolo; suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
naanak rang rathae naaraaeinai piaarae maathae sehaj subhaae ||8||2||4||
Nanak, those who are imbued with the Love of the All-Pervading Lord, O Beloved, remain intoxicated with His Love, in natural ease. ||8||2||4||
sB ibiD qum hI jwnqy ipAwry iksu pih khau sunwie ]1]
sabh bidhh thum hee jaanathae piaarae kis pehi keho sunaae ||1||
You know all about my condition, O Beloved; who can I speak to about it? ||1||
qUµ dwqw jIAw sBnw kw qyrw idqw pihrih Kwie ]2]
thoon dhaathaa jeeaa sabhanaa kaa thaeraa dhithaa pehirehi khaae ||2||
You are the Giver of all beings; they eat and wear what You give them. ||2||
suKu duKu qyrI AwigAw ipAwry dUjI nwhI jwie ]3]
sukh dhukh thaeree aagiaa piaarae dhoojee naahee jaae ||3||
Pleasure and pain come by Your Will, O Beloved; they do not come from any other. ||3||
jo qUµ krwvih so krI ipAwry Avru ikCu krxu n jwie ]4]
jo thoon karaavehi so karee piaarae avar kishh karan n jaae ||4||
Whatever You cause me to do, that I do, O Beloved; I cannot do anything else. ||4||
idnu rYix sB suhwvxy ipAwry ijqu jpIAY hir nwau ]5]
dhin rain sabh suhaavanae piaarae jith japeeai har naao ||5||
All my days and nights are blessed, O Beloved, when I chant and meditate on the Lord's Name. ||5||
sweI kwr kmwvxI ipAwry Duir msqik lyKu ilKwie ]6]
aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo
saaee kaar kamaavanee piaarae dhhur masathak laekh likhaae ||6||
He does the deeds, O Beloved, which are pre-ordained, and inscribed upon his forehead. ||6||
eyko Awip vrqdw ipAwry Git Git rihAw smwie ]7]
eaeko aap varathadhaa piaarae ghatt ghatt rehiaa samaae ||7||
The One is Himself prevailing everywhere, O Beloved; He is pervading in each and every heart. ||7||
sMswr kUp qy auDir lY ipAwry nwnk hir srxwie ]8]3]22]15]2]42]
sansaar koop thae oudhhar lai piaarae naanak har saranaae ||8||3||22||15||2||42||
Lift me up out of the deep pit of the world, O Beloved; Nanak has taken to Your Sanctuary. ||8||3||22||15||2||42||