SGGSAng 379Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

qU ibAMqu Aivgqu Agocru iehu sBu qyrw Awkwru ]

aucwrx Aiv-gqu

thoo bianth avigath agochar eihu sabh thaeraa aakaar ||

You are Infinite, Eternal and Incomprehensible; all this is Your Creation.

ikAw hm jµq krh cqurweI jW sBu ikCu quJY mJwir ]1]

kiaa ham janth kareh chathuraaee jaan sabh kishh thujhai majhaar ||1||

What clever games can we play, when everything is contained in You? ||1||

myry siqgur Apny bwilk rwKhu lIlw Dwir ]

aucwrx lIlw: Bwrw krky

maerae sathigur apanae baalik raakhahu leelaa dhhaar ||

O my True Guru, protect me, Your child, through the power of Your play.

dyhu sumiq sdw gux gwvw myry Twkur Agm Apwr ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx sum`iq

dhaehu sumath sadhaa gun gaavaa maerae thaakur agam apaar ||1|| rehaao ||

Grant me the good sense to ever sing Your Glorious Praises, O my Inaccessible and Infinite Lord and Master. ||1||Pause||

jYsy jnin jTr mih pRwnI Ehu rhqw nwm ADwir ]

jaisae janan jathar mehi praanee ouhu rehathaa naam adhhaar ||

The mortal is preserved in the womb of his mother, by the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord;

Andu krY swis swis sm@wrY nw pohY Agnwir ]2]

anadh karai saas saas samhaarai naa pohai aganaar ||2||

He makes merry, and with each and every breath he remembers the Lord, and the fire does not touch him. ||2||

pr Dn pr dwrw pr inMdw ien isau pRIiq invwir ]

par dhhan par dhaaraa par nindhaa ein sio preeth nivaar ||

Others' wealth, others' wives, and the slander of others - renounce your craving for these.

crn kml syvI ird AMqir gur pUry kY AwDwir ]3]

charan kamal saevee ridh anthar gur poorae kai aadhhaar ||3||

Serve the Lord's Lotus Feet within your heart, and hold to the Support of the Perfect Guru. ||3||

igRhu mMdr mhlw jo dIsih nw koeI sµgwir ]

aucwrx mhlw: polw bolo (ASuD: mh`lw)

grihu mandhar mehalaa jo dheesehi naa koee sangaar ||

Houses, mansions and palaces which you see - none of these shall go with you.

jb lgu jIvih klI kwl mih jn nwnk nwmu sm@wir ]4]37]

aucwrx klI: polw bolo

jab lag jeevehi kalee kaal mehi jan naanak naam samhaar ||4||37||

As long as you live in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, O servant Nanak, remember the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||37||