SGGSAng 379Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

kwm kRoD mwieAw md mqsr ey Kylq siB jUAY hwry ]

aucwrx md: polw bolo; m`q-sr

kaam krodhh maaeiaa madh mathasar eae khaelath sabh jooai haarae ||

Sexual desire, anger, intoxication with Maya and jealousy - I have lost all of these in the game of chance.

squ sµqoKu dieAw Drmu scu ieh ApunY igRh BIqir vwry ]1]

sath santhokh dhaeiaa dhharam sach eih apunai grih bheethar vaarae ||1||

Purity, contentment, compassion, faith and truthfulness - I have ushered these into the home of my self. ||1||

jnm mrn cUky siB Bwry ]

janam maran chookae sabh bhaarae ||

All the loads of birth and death have been removed.

imlq sµig BieE mnu inrmlu guir pUrY lY iKn mih qwry ]1] rhwau ]

milath sang bhaeiou man niramal gur poorai lai khin mehi thaarae ||1|| rehaao ||

Joining the Saints' Society, my mind has become pure; the Perfect Guru has saved me in an instant. ||1||Pause||

sB kI rynu hoie rhY mnUAw sgly dIsih mIq ipAwry ]

sabh kee raen hoe rehai manooaa sagalae dheesehi meeth piaarae ||

My mind has become the dust of all, and everyone seems a sweet friend to me.

sB mDy rivAw myrw Twkuru dwnu dyq siB jIA sm@wry ]2]

aucwrx m`Dy

sabh madhhae raviaa maeraa thaakur dhaan dhaeth sabh jeea samhaarae ||2||

My Lord and Master is contained in all. He gives His Gifts to all beings, and cherishes them. ||2||

eyko eyku Awip ieku eykY eykY hY sglw pwswry ]

eaeko eaek aap eik eaekai eaekai hai sagalaa paasaarae ||

He Himself is the One and only; from the One, the One and only, came the expanse of the entire creation.

jip jip hoey sgl swD jn eyku nwmu iDAwie bhuqu auDwry ]3]

jap jap hoeae sagal saadhh jan eaek naam dhhiaae bahuth oudhhaarae ||3||

Chanting and meditating, all the humble beings have become Holy; meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, so many have been saved. ||3||

gihr gMBIr ibAMq gusweI AMqu nhI ikCu pwrwvwry ]

gehir ganbheer bianth gusaaee anth nehee kishh paaraavaarae ||

The Lord of the Universe is deep, profound and infinite; He has no end or limitation.

qum@rI ikRpw qy gun gwvY nwnk iDAwie iDAwie pRB kau nmskwry ]4]36]

thumharee kirapaa thae gun gaavai naanak dhhiaae dhhiaae prabh ko namasakaarae ||4||36||

By Your Grace, Nanak sings Your Glorious Praises; meditating, meditating, he humbly bows to God. ||4||36||