SGGSAng 645Raag SorathRaag Sorath Vaar Mahalley 4 Ki6 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


jo syvih siq murwir sy Bvjl qir gieAw ]

jo saevehi sath muraar sae bhavajal thar gaeiaa ||

Those who serve the True Lord, the Destroyer of ego, cross over the terrifying world-ocean.

jo bolih hir hir nwau iqn jmu Cif gieAw ]

jo bolehi har har naao thin jam shhadd gaeiaa ||

Those who chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, are passed over by the Messenger of Death.

sy drgh pYDy jwih ijnw hir jip lieAw ]

sae dharageh paidhhae jaahi jinaa har jap laeiaa ||

Those who meditate on the Lord, go to His Court in robes of honor.

hir syvih syeI purK ijnw hir quDu mieAw ]

har saevehi saeee purakh jinaa har thudhh maeiaa ||

They alone serve You, O Lord, whom You bless with Grace.

gux gwvw ipAwry inq gurmuiK BRm Bau gieAw ]7]

gun gaavaa piaarae nith guramukh bhram bho gaeiaa ||7||

I sing continually Your Glorious Praises, O Beloved; as Gurmukh, my doubts and fears have been dispelled. ||7||