SGGSAng 645Raag SorathRaag Sorath Vaar Mahalley 4 Ki7 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

sloku mÚ 3 ]

aucwrx sloku mh`lw qIjw

salok ma 3 ||

Shalok, Third Mehl:

QwlY ivic qY vsqU peIE hir Bojnu AMimRqu swru ]

thhaalai vich thai vasathoo peeou har bhojan anmrith saar ||

Upon the plate, three things have been placed; this is the sublime, ambrosial food of the Lord.

ijqu KwDY mnu iqRpqIAY pweIAY moKduAwru ]

aucwrx moK-duAwru: sbµDk krky bolo

jith khaadhhai man thripatheeai paaeeai mokh dhuaar ||

Eating this, the mind is satisfied, and the Door of Salvation is found.

iehu Bojnu AlBu hY sMqhu lBY gur vIcwir ]

aucwrx Al`Bu

eihu bhojan alabh hai santhahu labhai gur veechaar ||

It is so difficult to obtain this food, O Saints; it is obtained only by contemplating the Guru.

eyh mudwvxI ikau ivchu kFIAY sdw rKIAY auir Dwir ]

eaeh mudhaavanee kio vichahu kadteeai sadhaa rakheeai our dhhaar ||

Why should we cast this riddle out of our minds? We should keep it ever enshrined in our hearts.

eyh mudwvxI siqgurU pweI gurisKw lDI Bwil ]

aucwrx l`DI

eaeh mudhaavanee sathiguroo paaee gurasikhaa ladhhee bhaal ||

The True Guru has posed this riddle. The Guru's Sikhs have found its solution.

nwnk ijsu buJwey su buJsI hir pwieAw gurmuiK Gwil ]1]

aucwrx bu`Jwey; bu`JsI

naanak jis bujhaaeae s bujhasee har paaeiaa guramukh ghaal ||1||

O Nanak, he alone understands this, whom the Lord inspires to understand. The Gurmukhs work hard, and find the Lord. ||1||