SGGSAng 394Raag AsaMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

mITI AwigAw ipr kI lwgI ]

meethee aagiaa pir kee laagee ||

The Order of my Husband Lord seems so sweet to me.

saukin Gr kI kµiq iqAwgI ]

soukan ghar kee kanth thiaagee ||

My Husband Lord has driven out the one who was my rival.

ipRA sohwgin sIgwir krI ]

pria sohaagan seegaar karee ||

My Beloved Husband has decorated me, His happy soul-bride.

mn myry kI qpiq hrI ]1]

man maerae kee thapath haree ||1||

He has quieted the burning thirst of my mind. ||1||

Blo BieE ipRA kihAw mwinAw ]

bhalo bhaeiou pria kehiaa maaniaa ||

It is good that I submitted to the Will of my Beloved Lord.

sUKu shju iesu Gr kw jwinAw ] rhwau ]

sookh sehaj eis ghar kaa jaaniaa || rehaao ||

I have realized celestial peace and poise within this home of mine. ||Pause||

hau bµdI ipRA iKjmqdwr ]

aucwrx iKjmq-dwr

ho bandhee pria khijamathadhaar ||

I am the hand-maiden, the attendant of my Beloved Lord.

Ehu AibnwsI Agm Apwr ]

ouhu abinaasee agam apaar ||

He is eternal and imperishable, inaccessible and infinite.

ly pKw ipRA Jlau pwey ]

lae pakhaa pria jhalo paaeae ||

Holding the fan, sitting at His Feet, I wave it over my Beloved.

Bwig gey pMc dUq lwvy ]2]

bhaag geae panch dhooth laavae ||2||

The five demons who tortured me have run away. ||2||

nw mY kulu nw soBwvµq ]

naa mai kul naa sobhaavanth ||

I am not from a noble family, and I am not beautiful.

ikAw jwnw ikau BwnI kMq ]

kiaa jaanaa kio bhaanee kanth ||

What do I know? Why am I pleasing to my Beloved?

moih AnwQ grIb inmwnI ]

mohi anaathh gareeb nimaanee ||

I am a poor orphan, destitute and dishonored.

kMq pkir hm kInI rwnI ]3]

kanth pakar ham keenee raanee ||3||

My Husband took me in, and made me His queen. ||3||

jb muiK pRIqmu swjnu lwgw ]

jab mukh preetham saajan laagaa ||

When I saw my Beloved's face before me,

sUK shj myrw Dnu sohwgw ]

sookh sehaj maeraa dhhan sohaagaa ||

I became so happy and peaceful; my married life was blessed.

khu nwnk morI pUrn Awsw ]

kahu naanak moree pooran aasaa ||

Says Nanak, my desires are fulfilled.

siqgur mylI pRB guxqwsw ]4]1]95]

sathigur maelee prabh gunathaasaa ||4||1||95||

The True Guru has united me with God, the treasure of excellence. ||4||1||95||