SGGSAng 394Raag AsaMahalla 515 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

mwQY iqRkutI idRsit krUir ]

aucwrx iqR-kutI: polw bolo (ASuD: iqRku`tI)

maathhai thrikuttee dhrisatt karoor ||

A frown creases her forehead, and her look is evil.

bolY kauVw ijhbw kI PUiV ]

bolai kourraa jihabaa kee foorr ||

Her speech is bitter, and her tongue is rude.

sdw BUKI ipru jwnY dUir ]1]

sadhaa bhookhee pir jaanai dhoor ||1||

She is always hungry, and she believes her Husband to be far away. ||1||

AYsI iesqRI iek rwim aupweI ]

aisee eisathree eik raam oupaaee ||

Such is Maya, the woman, which the One Lord has created.

auin sBu jgu KwieAw hm guir rwKy myry BweI ] rhwau ]

oun sabh jag khaaeiaa ham gur raakhae maerae bhaaee || rehaao ||

She is devouring the whole world, but the Guru has saved me, O my Siblings of Destiny. ||Pause||

pwie TgaulI sBu jgu joihAw ]

paae thagoulee sabh jag johiaa ||

Administering her poisons, she has overcome the whole world.

bRhmw ibsnu mhwdyau moihAw ]

aucwrx bRhmw: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

brehamaa bisan mehaadhaeo mohiaa ||

She has bewitched Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

gurmuiK nwim lgy sy soihAw ]2]

guramukh naam lagae sae sohiaa ||2||

Only those Gurmukhs who are attuned to the Naam are blessed. ||2||

vrq nym kir Qwky punhcrnw ]

varath naem kar thhaakae punehacharanaa ||

Performing fasts, religious observances and atonements, the mortals have grown weary.

qt qIrQ Bvy sB Drnw ]

thatt theerathh bhavae sabh dhharanaa ||

They wander over the entire planet, on pilgrimages to the banks of sacred rivers.

sy aubry ij siqgur kI srnw ]3]

sae oubarae j sathigur kee saranaa ||3||

But they alone are saved, who seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru. ||3||

mwieAw moih sBo jgu bwDw ]

aucwrx s`Bo

maaeiaa mohi sabho jag baadhhaa ||

Attached to Maya, the whole world is in bondage.

haumY pcY mnmuK mUrwKw ]

aucwrx pcY: polw bolo

houmai pachai manamukh mooraakhaa ||

The foolish self-willed manmukhs are consumed by their egotism.

gur nwnk bwh pkir hm rwKw ]4]2]96]

gur naanak baah pakar ham raakhaa ||4||2||96||

Taking me by the arm, Guru Nanak has saved me. ||4||2||96||