34: m`ky dI idg ibjX
Victory at Mecca
DrI nIswxI kaus dI mky AMdir pUj krweI ]
dharee neesaanee kaousi dee makay andari pooj karaaee.
Wooden sandal (of Baba Nanak ) was kept as a memory and he was woshipped in Mecca.
ijQY jwie jgiq ivic bwby bwJu n KwlI jweI ]
jidai jaai jagati vichi baabay baajhu n khaalee jaaee.
Go anywhere in the world, you would not find a place bereft of the name of Baba Nanak.
Gir Gir bwbw pUjIAY ihMdU muslmwn guAweI ]
ghari ghari baabaa poojeeai hindoo mousalamaan guaaee.
Without discrimination of Hindu or Muslim, in every house, the Baba is revered.
Cpy nwih CpwieAw ciVAw sUrju jgu rusnweI ]
chhapay naahi chhapaaiaa charhiaa sooraju jagu rousanaaee.
When the sun rises it cannot be covered and it lightens the whole world.
buikAw isMG aujwV ivic siB imrgwvil BMnI jweI ]
boukiaa singh ujaarh vichi sabhi miragaavali bhannee jaaee.
When the lion roared in the jungle the flocks of deer ran away.
ciVAw cMdu n lukeI kiF kunwlI joiq CpweI ]
charhiaa chandu n loukaee kaddhi kounaalee joti chhapaaee.
If someone wants to conceal moon by putting before it a platter, it cannot be hide.
augvix qy AwQvxo nauKMf ipRQmI sBw JukweI ]
ougavanahu tay aadavano nau khand pridamee sabh jhoukaaee.
From rising to setting directions i.e from east to west, all the nine divisions of earth bowed before Baba Nanak.
jg AMdir kudriq vrqweI ]34]
jagi andari kudarati varataaee ||34||
He diffused his power in whole of the world.