35: bZdwd gmn
Going to Baghdad
iPir bwbw gieAw bZdwd no bwhir jwie kIAw AsQwnw ]
dhiri baabaa gaiaa bagadaadi no baahari jaai keeaa asadaanaa.
From Mecca Baba went to Baghdad and stayed outside the city.
iek bwbw Akwl rUpu dUjw rbwbI mrdwnw ]
iku baabaa akaal roupoo doojaa rabaabee maradaanaa.
Firstly, Baba himself was in the form of Timeless and secondly, he had his companion Mardana, the rebeck player.
idqI bWig invwij kir suMin smwin hoAw jhwnw ]
ditee baangi nivaaji kari sounni samaani hoaa jahaanaa.
For namaz (in his own style), Baba gave call, listening to which the whole world went into absolute silence.
suMn muMin ngrI BeI dyiK pIr BieAw hYrwnw ]
sounn mounni nagaree bhaee daykhi peer bhaiaa hairaanaa.
The whole city became quiet and lo! to behold it, the pir (of the town) also got wonderstruck.
vyKY iDAwnu lgwie kir ieku PkIru vfw msqwnw ]
vaykhai dhiaanu lagaai kari iku dhakeeru vadaa masataanaa.
Observing minutely he found (in the form of Baba Nanak) an exhilerated faquir.
puiCAw iPir kY dsqgIr kaux PkIr iks kw Girhwnw ]
pouchhiaa dhiri kai dasatageer kaoun dhakeeru kisakaa ghariaanaa
Pir Dastegir asked him, which category of faquir you belong to and what is your parentage.
nwnk kil ivic AwieAw rbu PkIru ieko pihcwnw ]
naanak kali vichi aaiaa rabu dhakeeru iko pahichaanaa.
(Mardana told) He is Nanak, who has come into kaliyug, and, he recognises God and His faquirs as one.
Driq Awkws chU ids jwnw ]35]
dharati aakaas chahoo disi jaanaa ||35||
He is known in all the directions besides earth and sky.