SGGSAng 103Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

sPl su bwxI ijqu nwmu vKwxI ]

safal s baanee jith naam vakhaanee ||

Blessed are those words, by which the Naam is chanted.

gurprswid iknY ivrlY jwxI ]

gur parasaadh kinai viralai jaanee ||

Rare are those who know this, by Guru's Grace.

DMnu su vylw ijqu hir gwvq sunxw Awey qy prvwnw jIau ]1]

aucwrx sunxw: 'n' pihlw iPr 'x' bolxw hY

dhhann s vaelaa jith har gaavath sunanaa aaeae thae paravaanaa jeeo ||1||

Blessed is that time when one sings and hears the Lord's Name. Blessed and approved is the coming of such a one. ||1||

sy nyqR prvwxu ijnI drsnu pyKw ]

sae naethr paravaan jinee dharasan paekhaa ||

Those eyes which behold the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan are approved and accepted.

sy kr Bly ijnI hir jsu lyKw ]

sae kar bhalae jinee har jas laekhaa ||

Those hands which write the Praises of the Lord are good.

sy crx suhwvy jo hir mwrig cly hau bil iqn sµig pCwxw jIau ]2]

sae charan suhaavae jo har maarag chalae ho bal thin sang pashhaanaa jeeo ||2||

Those feet which walk in the Lord's Way are beautiful. I am a sacrifice to that Congregation in which the Lord is recognized. ||2||

suix swjn myry mIq ipAwry ]

sun saajan maerae meeth piaarae ||

Listen, O my beloved friends and companions:

swDsµig iKn mwih auDwry ]

saadhhasang khin maahi oudhhaarae ||

In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, you shall be saved in an instant.

iklivK kwit hoAw mnu inrmlu imit gey Awvx jwxw jIau ]3]

kilavikh kaatt hoaa man niramal mitt geae aavan jaanaa jeeo ||3||

Your sins will be cut out; your mind will be immaculate and pure. Your comings and goings shall cease. ||3||

duie kr joiV ieku ibnau krIjY ]

dhue kar jorr eik bino kareejai ||

With my palms pressed together, I offer this prayer:

kir ikrpw fubdw pQru lIjY ]

kar kirapaa ddubadhaa pathhar leejai ||

Please bless me with Your Mercy, and save this sinking stone.

nwnk kau pRB Bey ikRpwlw pRB nwnk min Bwxw jIau ]4]22]29]

naanak ko prabh bheae kirapaalaa prabh naanak man bhaanaa jeeo ||4||22||29||

God has become merciful to Nanak; God is pleasing to Nanak's mind. ||4||22||29||