SGGSAng 102Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

qUµ pyfu swK qyrI PUlI ]

thoon paedd saakh thaeree foolee ||

You are the tree; Your branches have blossomed forth.

qUµ sUKmu hoAw AsQUlI ]

thoon sookham hoaa asathhoolee ||

From the very small and subtle, You have become huge and manifest.

qUµ jliniD qUµ Pynu budbudw quDu ibnu Avru n BwlIAY jIau ]1]

aucwrx jl-in`iD

thoon jalanidhh thoon faen budhabudhaa thudhh bin avar n bhaaleeai jeeo ||1||

You are the Ocean of Water, and You are the foam and the bubbles on its surface. I cannot see any other except You, Lord. ||1||

qUµ sUqu mxIey BI qUµhY ]

thoon sooth maneeeae bhee thoonhai ||

You are the thread, and You are also the beads.

qUµ gMTI myru isir qUµhY ]

thoon ganthee maer sir thoonhai ||

You are the knot, and You are the primary bead of the maalaa.

Awid miD AMiq pRBu soeI Avru n koie idKwlIAY jIau ]2]

aadh madhh anth prabh soee avar n koe dhikhaaleeai jeeo ||2||

In the beginning, in the middle and in the end, there is God. I cannot see any other except You, Lord. ||2||

qUµ inrguxu srguxu suKdwqw ]

aucwrx suKdwqw: polw bolo

thoon niragun saragun sukhadhaathaa ||

You transcend all qualities, and You possess the supreme qualities. You are the Giver of peace.

qUµ inrbwxu rsIAw rµig rwqw ]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

thoon nirabaan raseeaa rang raathaa ||

You are detached in Nirvaanaa, and You are the Enjoyer, imbued with love.

Apxy krqb Awpy jwxih Awpy quDu smwlIAY jIau ]3]

aucwrx kr-qb

apanae karathab aapae jaanehi aapae thudhh samaaleeai jeeo ||3||

You Yourself know Your Own Ways; You dwell upon Yourself. ||3||

qUµ Twkuru syvku Puin Awpy ]

thoon thaakur saevak fun aapae ||

You are the Master, and then again, You are the servant.

qUµ gupqu prgtu pRB Awpy ]

thoon gupath paragatt prabh aapae ||

O God, You Yourself are the Manifest and the Unmanifest.

nwnk dwsu sdw gux gwvY iek BorI ndir inhwlIAY jIau ]4]21]28]

naanak dhaas sadhaa gun gaavai eik bhoree nadhar nihaaleeai jeeo ||4||21||28||

Slave Nanak sings Your Glorious Praises forever. Please, just for a moment, bless him with Your Glance of Grace. ||4||21||28||