kvx mUlu kvx miq vylw ]
aucwrx m`iq
kavan mool kavan math vaelaa ||
“What is the root, the source of all? What teachings hold for these times?
qyrw kvxu gurU ijskw qU cylw ]
thaeraa kavan guroo jis kaa thoo chaelaa ||
Who is your guru? Whose disciple are you?
kvx kQw ly rhhu inrwly ]
kavan kathhaa lae rehahu niraalae ||
What is that speech, by which you remain unattached?
bolY nwnku suxhu qum bwly ]
bolai naanak sunahu thum baalae ||
Listen to what we say, O Nanak, you little boy.
eysu kQw kw dyie bIcwru ]
eaes kathhaa kaa dhaee beechaar ||
Give us your opinion on what we have said.
Bvjlu sbid lµGwvxhwru ]43]
bhavajal sabadh langhaavanehaar ||43||
How can the Shabad carry us across the terrifying world-ocean?”||43||
pvn ArµBu siqgur miq vylw ]
aucwrx m`iq
pavan aranbh sathigur math vaelaa ||
From the air came the beginning. This is the age of the True Guru's Teachings.
sbdu gurU suriq Duin cylw ]
sabadh guroo surath dhhun chaelaa ||
The Shabad is the Guru, upon whom I lovingly focus my consciousness; I am the chaylaa, the disciple.
AkQ kQw ly rhau inrwlw ]
akathh kathhaa lae reho niraalaa ||
Speaking the Unspoken Speech, I remain unattached.
nwnk juig juig gur gopwlw ]
naanak jug jug gur gopaalaa ||
O Nanak, throughout the ages, the Lord of the World is my Guru.
eyku sbdu ijqu kQw vIcwrI ]
eaek sabadh jith kathhaa veechaaree ||
I contemplate the sermon of the Shabad, the Word of the One God.
gurmuiK haumY Agin invwrI ]44]
guramukh houmai agan nivaaree ||44||
The Gurmukh puts out the fire of egotism. ||44||