mYx ky dMq ikau KweIAY swru ]
main kae dhanth kio khaaeeai saar ||
“With teeth of wax, how can one chew iron?
ijqu grbu jwie su kvxu Awhwru ]
jith garab jaae s kavan aahaar ||
What is that food, which takes away pride?
ihvY kw Gru mMdru Agin iprwhnu ]
aucwrx ip-rwhnu
hivai kaa ghar mandhar agan piraahan ||
How can one live in the palace, the home of snow, wearing robes of fire?
kvn guPw ijqu rhY Avwhnu ]
kavan gufaa jith rehai avaahan ||
Where is that cave, within which one may remain unshaken?
ieq auq iks kau jwix smwvY ]
eith outh kis ko jaan samaavai ||
Who should we know to be pervading here and there?
kvn iDAwnu mnu mnih smwvY ]45]
kavan dhhiaan man manehi samaavai ||45||
What is that meditation, which leads the mind to be absorbed in itself?”||45||
hau hau mY mY ivchu KovY ]
ho ho mai mai vichahu khovai ||
Eradicating egotism and individualism from within,
dUjw mytY eyko hovY ]
dhoojaa maettai eaeko hovai ||
And erasing duality, the mortal becomes one with God.
jgu krVw mnmuKu gwvwru ]
jag kararraa manamukh gaavaar ||
The world is difficult for the foolish, self-willed manmukh;
sbdu kmweIAY KweIAY swru ]
sabadh kamaaeeai khaaeeai saar ||
Practicing the Shabad, one chews iron.
AMqir bwhir eyko jwxY ]
anthar baahar eaeko jaanai ||
Know the One Lord, inside and out.
nwnk Agin mrY siqgur kY BwxY ]46]
naanak agan marai sathigur kai bhaanai ||46||
O Nanak, the fire is quenched, through the Pleasure of the True Guru's Will. ||46||