SGGSAng 367Raag AsaMahalla 411 linesGuru Ram Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 4 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw cauQw

aasaa mehalaa 4 ||

Aasaa, Fourth Mehl:

gux gwvw gux bolI bwxI ]

gun gaavaa gun bolee baanee ||

I sing His Glorious Praises, and through the Word of His Bani, I speak His Glorious Praises.

gurmuiK hir gux AwiK vKwxI ]1]

guramukh har gun aakh vakhaanee ||1||

As Gurmukh, I chant and recite the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||

jip jip nwmu min BieAw Anµdw ]

jap jap naam man bhaeiaa anandhaa ||

Chanting and meditating on the Naam, my mind becomes blissful.

siq siq siqguir nwmu idVwieAw ris gwey gux prmwnµdw ]1] rhwau ]

sath sath sathigur naam dhirraaeiaa ras gaaeae gun paramaanandhaa ||1|| rehaao ||

The True Guru has implanted the True Name of the True Lord within me; I sing His Glorious Praises, and taste the supreme ecstasy. ||1||Pause||

hir gux gwvY hir jn logw ]

har gun gaavai har jan logaa ||

The humble servants of the Lord sing the Lord's Glorious Praises.

vfY Bwig pwey hir inrjogw ]2]

vaddai bhaag paaeae har nirajogaa ||2||

By great good fortune, the detached, absolute Lord is obtained. ||2||

gux ivhUx mwieAw mlu DwrI ]

gun vihoon maaeiaa mal dhhaaree ||

Those without virtue are stained by Maya's filth.

ivxu gux jnim muey AhµkwrI ]3]

aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey)

vin gun janam mueae ahankaaree ||3||

Lacking virtue, the egotistical die, and suffer reincarnation. ||3||

srIir srovir gux prgit kIey ]

sareer sarovar gun paragatt keeeae ||

The ocean of the body yields pearls of virtue.

nwnk gurmuiK miQ qqu kFIey ]4]5]57]

aucwrx k-FIey: 'f'-'F' dI sWJI Avwj

naanak guramukh mathh thath kadteeeae ||4||5||57||

O Nanak, the Gurmukh churns this ocean, and discovers this essence. ||4||5||57||